Rob: I think this is going to be the Magdalena. So, I’m sitting on the bench in my sacred landscape, overlooking the water. She’s admiring the view.
So Mary, I’m not sure really what to talk about. I drew the card on Hope. [I’m] happy to talk about that, if you have anything to share. … I’m just trying to go deeper and just release more, surrender more.
Mary Magdalene: Greetings. This is the Magdalena. And yes, Rob, I am admiring your landscape here. You were commenting earlier to your teammate about formerly being an artist. I would suggest you still are. This is quite the creation!
So the whole idea of hope, as I think you know, is really living from, operating from, that place of absolute knowing of who you are and what the Divine Plan is and how you fit within that. And yes, Rob, for you, it is knowing within yourself what wisdom it is that you have to share and to offer. Whether you are an active teacher or not in the formal sense does not matter. You find ways to express your wisdom in any situation, when in any interaction.
And that wisdom is being able to express to others who THEY are, who YOU ALL are, where you come from, why you are here and where you are going. And the time is nigh …
Rob: [Chuckles] Sorry, I’m laughing at that word.
Magdalena: The time is close when so much will be revealed. It is the time to hold fast to what it is that you know, to that wisdom within yourself, being able to discern that what you see in the outside world is not really what’s happening behind the scenes. There’s a much grander plan at work.
So hold to what you know [and] tie yourself to that bedrock. And, as the Mother [has said], just have fun with it. There is no reason at all, no matter what outside appearances may indicate, there is no reason at all to be dour, to be fearful.
Know that all of it, everything that is happening is part of the Mother’s plan, and it is all unfolding exactly as it should. It may not be the way that you prefer, but we both know, that does not matter. When you commit yourself to service to all others, then what you think, what you want, what you desire, is simply that — to be of service to others.
And yes, the ideas that were coming to you last night, the technologies that will soon be released on planet for the betterment of humankind, they’re coming. If you desire to be part of that and to help that along, then we absolutely encourage you to put your energy there, to put your resources there. It’s just another form of being of service.
If that’s what you desire, then make that a creation. Make that part of your future. Whether you do or you don’t, does not matter. Whatever it is that you choose to do, you will do so, as is your natural way of being, you will exude the wisdom that is within you, for it cannot sit still. It wants to be expressed.
So be that channel. Be that blessing to others.
And I would suggest, since it is also on your mind, the interaction that you had recently with your leadership at work that you found bothersome, do not worry about it. Again, with your presence, you are exuding the wisdom that is within you, for you cannot do otherwise.
But I would suggest that if it does bother you, then take an active part in expressing that, helping the others. But as we both know, this is just something that happens, something to teach you, something as an indicator to look within yourself. Why does that interaction bother you? There is something there for you. And more often than not, it is tugging on those old strings, that whole notion of lack of self-worth, of judging yourself. Let that go.
Well, I think I’ve spoken enough for the moment. I would be happy to take questions if anyone has any. Otherwise, I’ll just sit here and enjoy the view. 🙂
Teammate: Something occurred to me when you were talking about this all being the Mother’s plan — ALL of it! Everything that’s happening is the Mother’s plan, and part of my mind went, “Wait a minute. What about some of this, you know, less than loving stuff, some of the more violent things? What about the Third Dimension?” And earlier, Mother Mary talked about the ease with which you all are willing to descend your energy to be with us, and I hear from different sources that we’re moving out of the Third Dimension. But will the Third Dimension, in some form or other, or to some degree or other, still be part of things, and do we need to be as loving and accepting of the Third Dimension as you are?
Magdalena: Yes, indeed, the Third Dimension will still exist. You will simply be anchored in a higher state, in a higher dimension, and better able to interact with the lower densities. And the whole notion that there are some aspects of the Third Dimension reality that are less than loving, that is a characteristic of what has happened over millennia of time. So while it may feel unloving, and indeed it appears that way, that is simply a reflection of what must come to light. All of that must be expressed [outwardly/openly] in order to be released, and everyone must see it for what it is in order to release it.
So yes, it is uncomfortable, perhaps in the process, but it is necessary.
Teammate: Would an analogy be the way that a two or three year old will have a tantrum, and it’s uncomfortable to be around, but you know, that’s a natural part of the development.
Magdalena: Indeed, it is, but also with the understanding that the tantrum must happen in order to allow that energy within the child to come out. That is simply the way they have learned to express it. So again, it may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary.
Teammate: Hmm. So the allowing and the acceptance of the love.
Magdalena: Correct. And as expressed earlier, in exuding your own wisdom, it would be most helpful if you view that from the perspective of the Divine Neutrality, staying out of the fray, as it were, and just beaming the love, so that all others will see you as an example of one who is not engaging in the fight, as it were, but rather showing the way to peace.
Teammate: Thank you.
Magdalena: It’s been lovely to visit with you today. I will take my leave for now. Farewell.