[Here is another example of how easy it is to simply ask the Ascended Masters for guidance whenever we have questions — in this case, it was Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. Given our upcoming course, I’m interested in their thoughts. Not only are they encouraging, but they are as comforting as a best friend! — Rob]
Rob: So I’m sitting on my temple steps with Yeshua (Yeshi), who is on my right. Mary (Magdalene) is on my left.
As you know, I question all the time whether I am simply making this up? Is this all just in my mind?
Yeshi: Well, there is no difference, Rob. Your mind is our mind. And in that regard, think of us simply as symbols, symbols for your mind, to be able to have a conversation with “other.” The nature of being one is one of the most difficult things to wrap your mind around. How do you go through a physical life, especially, but it’s also true in the spiritual realm, how do you go through your existence, your life, with a complete understanding that all that you see and all that you experience is the One.
You will continue to do so, [i.e.] to question that, and to think of yourself in any way as separate for as long as you choose to have the experience of that separation.
So we have chosen for this adventure to separate ourselves from the One in order to experience something different. So the whole idea of learning about the One and achieving Unity Consciousness is really a matter of degrees and coming to accept within yourself the greater and greater concept of all that you are.
Mary: And I would add, Rob, that you should enjoy it within the time that you have of the experience itself. Explore the relationships with others. See them for what they are and what they can teach you ultimately about yourself. The experience of joining with another is an experience of tremendous joy.
Learn to connect with others. Learn to connect with us, to experience that joy and be grateful for the system that is here to allow that to happen.
Yeshi: And for the events that are unfolding, as difficult as they will be for those who are completely enmeshed in the physical, take the opportunity to show them that no matter how crazy it gets “out there,” there’s still a place of peace within. There’s still an opportunity to connect with your soul tribe, with all those you consider your guides, your family, for it is true, they are all a part of you, and that can never be separated.
Rob: I just want to be able to feel at all times that direct connection with you at a more complete level. As I do these channeling sessions and go into my meditative state to imagine us sitting here on this temple in front of this beautiful landscape, my question: is this the most effective way for me to feel the connection with you?
Yeshi: It is your way, Rob. Everyone has their own way. Yes, you can be in so many different places at once — each is just a thought away. And once you have that thought, then it is real. It enters into the realm of your possible realities that you are choosing to experience.
Mary: But again, the image is simply a means of communication from those on this side, including your Higher Self, to you in the physical realm. But always, always, the most important aspect is to focus on the relationship, on your connection with the other. Start focusing on that and, as you develop the meditations and exercises for your class, remind them continually to feel the connection with the other.
Within the meditation itself, feel from their heart the joy of being WITH us, what it must have felt like at the time of our lives, and what this can feel like right now. There is no difference. Whether we are in physical form or not does not matter. The relationship, the connection to other, the merging with other, at the level of consciousness, is where the real learning, the real experience, happens. All the rest, that is the actual physical experience, or your interpretation of it, is a fleeting happenstance.
And yes, given the nature of time and multiple timelines, there can be different circumstances for different people, each driving their own experience based on their own reality — or their own interpretations of that reality — yes, based on their beliefs, what they are willing to accept.
The thing that is most important through all of that, through every differing interpretation of the events in the physical form, is the relationship that you develop with the other. Whomever you are channeling, whomever you are meditating on, focus on that.
Rob: Thank you, both. Perhaps I shall go and get out of the house, get some fresh air.
Mary: Well, whatever you choose to do today, keep, perhaps in the back of your mind, the connection with us, that we are going with you, and we shall be.
Yeshi: We’re all here for you. Start living your life from that perspective and see what unfolds.
Rob: Thank you, both. I love you, and I so appreciate you coming to visit with me, and for being with me.