[As we approach the start of our course, Yeshua and the Magdalena, I naturally have questions about how the interaction with them will happen.  But, of course, they are always reassuring, and even enlightening about a few things I hadn’t considered before.  I don’t know why I ever allow doubts to enter into my thinking! — Rob ]

Yeshua: Greetings, Rob. I want to thank you so much for taking the time to have this chat. It doesn’t matter whether you feel that you would receive anything new and different. The benefit is actually connecting with us, any of us, through your heart. And as you’ve noted with your teammates, something always happens.

Just the fact that you are connecting with us is of huge benefit to us as well. We so enjoy our time together. Yes, we are always talking to you. We are always conversing at a higher level, but it is something different to be able to talk to you while in physical form. Many of us have taken form, and there’s a lot to be said for it, and we miss sometimes the sensations. So these sessions allow us to be reminded what it meant, how it felt. So again, we appreciate these connections as much as you. Just some food for thought …

Regarding the classes focused on me and my Magdalena, the core of the message is really an encouragement to all that they too can develop these connections, if they have not already. For those who are well versed in communing with us, they will find it interesting to hear of your research and the many different sources, some of which they will be familiar with, [but] others will be new. So there will be something for them as well.

And yes, events in the world will transpire such that people will be confused [and] will be wondering, “What is going on? How do we move forward from here?” Your fundamental message is to go within — as Edgar Cayce said, to venture inward — to find that place of peace and that all Ascended Masters and angels and archangels are here to help you find that place.

So the goal of each of your sessions, each and every class is to build on the core message that we are always available, that we can relate to everything that you are going through, for we are all the same. We are, in fact, One.

I hope this has been helpful. I trust so. Again, thank you for the time to connect.

Rob: And thank you, Yeshua. Thank you for the reassurances.

Yeshua: Go with my love. Go with my blessings. Farewell for now.

[If you haven’t yet registered for our upcoming eCourse, Yeshua and the Magdalena, please consider joining us, starting Saturday, 25 January.  Click on the linked Title for more information.  We’d love to see you there! — Rob]