Geoffrey is my own personal dragon, and the picture below is close to how I see him. And while his message was directed at me because I asked, it’s really meant for all lightworkers. — Rob
Rob: Geoffrey is waiting on me at the grassy place where I usually meet him, overlooking the water. I walk up and pat him on his head and neck. It’s always so cool to look at the iridescent green feathers.
Geoffrey, I seem to be drawing these cards today that, while they’re all dragon cards, these in particular, struck me that they all have something to do with the air. Maybe you can share a little something. Why are these, in particular, calling me so much?
Geoffrey: Welcome back, Rob. Yes, this is Geoffrey. As you know, I am always within you, always within your heart. So it is nice every now and then to come out and stretch my legs, stretch my wings, to meet you in this place where we can have a conversation. Perhaps later we’ll actually go for a fly.
Yeah, the cards were away to bring your attention to something that’s been on your mind — the theme of the air as an elemental and, as you mentioned, your totem animal of a bird of prey. But it doesn’t matter what the bird is. It’s a reminder to see life from the higher perspective, from up in the air, looking down at the life that you are living, that others are living, the experiences you’re all choosing to have together. It’s a reminder to see things from the perspective of heaven.
Why are things happening the way they are? There is a reason for everything, and it’s important for you to maintain the balance while you are here in form. You must also maintain a sense of understanding from the higher perspective that these are all just experiences for you to learn, for you to grow, for you to understand who you really are.
While you were searching for topics to channel on, you also saw the word “charity.” Again, this was intentional. And I would remind you, charity, simply giving of yourself, what has been bothering you, the reason you asked to speak to Linda, is all about questioning yourself [about] the offering that you are giving to others. This is all an act of charity.
Charity is simply wanting to share the knowledge that you have, the wisdom that you have. For once you gain that knowledge and wisdom, it wants to be shared … and you are more than happy to accommodate. This is what you do. This is what everyone eventually does.
But I would remind you again, from the higher perspective, that in offering that sharing, the sharing in itself is its own reward. Having expectations of gaining anything else as a result is a fool’s errand. You’re missing the point. The sharing in itself is its own reward.
This is why you agreed to come to be here now at this time — to share what you know. Be content with the fact that you are, in fact, fulfilling that role. You are doing what you came to do. So whether there is any other recognition is beside the point. It’s missing the point. The sharing itself, that act of charity, of giving of yourself, is all that’s important. And we are all here to help you in support of that.
So be content. Be at ease. All is well.
And regardless of how crazy it may seem to get in life, there in form, remember the higher perspective. Pull yourself up. Remind yourself continually: How would heaven see these events? Why is this unfolding the way it is? There is a grander plan at work. Seek to understand how all that fits together in the grand scheme, in Heaven’s scheme, Heaven’s plan … yes, the Mother’s plan.
It all unfolds exactly the way it’s supposed to, and you are fulfilling your role in that plan. Have faith, have trust, but above all, have fun! And in the spirit of having fun, just hop on board. Let’s go for a spin. Let’s have some fun!
Rob: Thank you, Geoffrey.