[This website experienced some technical difficulties recently, so I haven’t posted in a while.  But this is a good one to restart.  My teammates and I  talked to Quan, and she met me by flying in on her dragon!  Quite a site … and quite a rich conversation!  — Rob]

Rob: Thank you, Quan Yin, for joining me. I love the way you make an entrance!

Quan Yin: Thank you, Rob. Thank you, all. It’s such a pleasure to be with you today. That is, after all, the name of the game. Finding pleasure in all things in all such interactions. It is all about having fun!

But to the question that you just asked, how do you use nurturing yourself to overcome feelings of angst and nervousness, even worry, it is all about compassion — compassion for yourself.

So others have spoken to you about staying connected in a busy life by observing the beauty around you. The same is true regarding interactions with others, to view all such interactions through the lens of compassion — feeling that compassion for all others, understanding where they are coming from. They are on a journey, the same as you — no better, no worse — just from a different perspective. Consider that whenever you are dealing with others, and through the compassion, let yourself feel the love that you hold for all others.

This is a way, ultimately, to connect with the love, for all others deserve our compassion, our feelings from the heart of what it is to be in their shoes, for what they must be facing, even if you don’t fully understand what that is. For how could you? And you certainly don’t want to take on their burdens. But without having to get into any of that, it’s enough to just feel the love for what they must be going through.

And as Mother Mary said, when you see another suffering, another feeling angst or nervousness, reach out and give them that nurturing hug. That’s all that’s required. Again, you don’t need to understand what they’re going through, just that they are feeling in some way disconnected enough to feel that angst. All they need from you is a nurturing hug — energetically, ethericly — and they will feel it. It will be a calming influence, whether you see that overtly or not.

I hope this has helped. And I get a sense that you will be hugging a lot of people here in the near future! 🙂

With that, I will allow others to ask a question, if they have any.

Teammate 1: I have a question. And hello, hello, hello. My question is related to what you were saying about the nurturing when another’s feeling anxious or distraught or self-critical (I’m adding that part). I nave a family member who is a little autistic, and she resists touch. She does not relate to touch the way that many do, and when I reach out to her to comfort her, she shrugs that off. That doesn’t seem to be the approach that will work best for her. So being one who loves her very much, of course, I want to help at times like that. Can you help me understand a little bit how to reach her at a time like that?

Quan Yin: We understand your concern, and it is understandable from a human perspective. There is nothing more joyful than to feel the physical hug of a loved one. But as with so many others for whom we are not so close as a family, you can hug them ethericly. Reach out your emotions and hug them at that level, at the spiritual level.

So given your loved one’s disorder where she doesn’t feel comfortable with the physical touch, that’s okay. She will still feel the love that you have for her — the comfort, the nurturing love — by reaching out with your emotions at a spiritual level, as you would do with anyone else whom is not part of your close family and friends. She will feel it.

Does this help?

Teammate 1: Yes. Yes, because I think what happens is that I take on her anxiety in a moment like that, and she’s pushing that away as well. So she doesn’t want that kind of response masked as a hug.

Quan Yin: Absolutely. As you reach out to another to give them a hug, if you do not feel the same within yourself, that is that love, then others will pick up on that as well. So be sure before you do so that you are clear what your intention is, not only towards the other, but towards yourself. Again, the compassion, those nurturing feelings, begin with self before giving to others.

Are there any other questions?

Teammate 2: Along those same lines, is it reaching out energetically? I know that I’m practicing that for myself and send myself love, and I’ve washed my body energetically with love, is it that same concept? You know, when you’re having a conversation or to the point of hugging a loved one with the intention of the mind and the emotion follows or is it … am I explaining that right?

Quan Yin: Yes, the concept is exactly the same no matter what the setting. And the others to whom you are reaching out need not even be in your presence, in your physical presence, in your local eyesight or earshot. They could be anywhere. Just the thought of the reaching out will make that happen at an energetic level. But again, it’s all based on your intention and your base feeling, the feeling within your own heart towards that situation. So be clear about the compassion that you have for others before reaching out. Does that make sense?

Teammate 2: Yes, it does. Thank you.

Quan Yin: So with that I will leave you all with my love, my compassion for you all and for your sacred circle here. Take care, all. Farewell.