[I channeled this near the end of last year’s sailing season, but the message is so important for this time … well, any time, really! — Rob]

Rob: I’m sitting on my boat, right where I was this afternoon, looking at the light on the water. Archangel Uriel comes to me through the sparkles of light on the water.

So thank you, Uriel, for joining me. Obviously, I got the sense that you wanted to talk about the sparkles and the image that I saw, the feeling that I got, of watching the sparkles come to the forefront of the scene. Do you have anything to tell me about that?

AA Uriel: Thank you, Rob. Yes, this is Uriel once again. And I want to thank you for heeding the call, as it were, for paying attention to the feelings, the images that you do receive. I think we are rapidly approaching the point when you can stop saying that you don’t see things!

It’s just a matter of paying attention to when they do happen and opening yourself to the possibility in the first place … which is what you did today. You went into your heart, and you chose to connect to me through the sparkles of sunlight on the water. So, in reality, I am heeding your call, and I am honored that you would choose me.

So the point about the dancing light, the light show, as you refer to it, this is an image of what is happening all over the world as more and more of you, as you lightworkers, are coming online, as it were, popping up everywhere, shining your light brilliantly. It is all happening now.

This will be more and more obvious as time goes on here in the near future. It is not far off now. Surely you already see how much more people are becoming attuned, getting in touch with their own divinity, shining their light for all others to see. And as you saw today, it is a brilliant, brilliant light show, almost too much to take in all at once. There are so many lights shining, flashing, everywhere you look. This is what you have to look forward to. Hold that thought in your heart. Know that it is coming to be.

As you read last night in the Gospel, “The Lord our God is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your strength.” And in doing so, this — this image — this is the result, and it IS happening.

And the other thing I would like to point out is that you can connect to this at any time you choose. You went for a sail today, an activity that you so enjoy, and rightfully so, but in the midst of it, you went into your heart and you were shown what is happening from the larger perspective, from the higher realms. You can do this anytime you want; we’re only a thought away.

I hope this brings you some measure of hope, hope for the future. Hang in there. It’s all happening now. So with that, I will invite your teammate to ask any questions that she may have.

Teammate: ‘Cause I always has them!

AA Uriel: Indeed.

Teammate: When you describe the sparkles, it felt like Divine Radiance. Is that what it is?

AA Uriel: That is exactly what it is. The Divine Radiance, at the end of the day, is Divine Love. Love manifests itself in physical reality as light; that is how you see it with your senses. So yes, they are one and the same.

Teammate: And how are the sparkles different from your flame? Because it all feels like your essence.

AA Uriel: You are correct; they are one and the same. My flame, as is true of the flames of all the archangels, the Mighty Ones, and any of the other masters who choose a particular flame to represent, they are all manifestations of the one Divine Radiance — just different aspects of what they choose to focus on.

But, yes, given my Silver Flame, Rob has chosen to see my flame in the sparkles of sunlight on the water. And again, I am honored that he chooses to do so.

Teammate: I feel like we’re complicating Divine Radiance as well, going back to our conversation earlier, when really, it’s just simply Love. I mean Love is not simple, but it feels like we’re adding so much more to it when it really is just Love.

AA Uriel: That is exactly correct. All Divine Radiance means, take the two words: Divine – it comes from Mother-Father-One; Radiance – it is flowing all the time. There is no time that it is not flowing. It animates everything in the universe. There would be no universe without it. So yes, Divine Radiance of Love, it is the All.

Teammate: It is interesting that you say that Divine Radiance is Mother-Father Love, and yet, why do we always say it’s the Mother’s Love? Why don’t we say the Mother and the Father? Why is it just the Mother?

AA Uriel: The Mother as the representation of the Divine Feminine is the active principle of the manifestation within the universe, within the reality, the physical and higher dimensional realities of the universe. But the underlying power behind that is from the Divine Masculine from the Father. They are one and the same. They’re just different aspects to help you wrap your mind around it, as it were. But this is also why we refer to Mother-Father-One. They are one and the same.

Teammate: Exactly. They are one and the same. I get a little confused when we’re just highlighting the Mother. No offense, Mom! But I feel like we are not giving enough to the Father. I’d like to see both … but that’s just me. Thank you, Uriel. I appreciate the explanation.

AA Uriel: And this would be the point of balance, finding the balance between the two. But indeed, this time, this time in the history of humanity, is a time for the resurgence of the Divine Feminine, so we give our due to the Mother … rightfully so.

Teammate: I understand. Thank you.

AA Uriel: And thank you both. … Rob is not wanting to let go at the moment.

Teammate: [Laughs] I’m happy to converse more. You don’t want to go. I love you being here too.

AA Uriel: But I will let you go. Go with my love. Go with OUR love. Farewell.