Rob: Archangel Uriel, I sense that you’re here. As you know, I am attempting to train myself to sense more of the spiritual realm while being in this physical body, to bring my awareness to the other side of the veil, as it were. I’m wondering why we can’t just tear the veil down! … I suppose that requires work on my part.

I don’t have anything in particular to talk about, so I invite you to discuss whatever would be of benefit to me … perhaps to others. I open myself to you.

[I’m feeling a bit of buzzing in the middle of my head behind my eyes. It’s very subtle.]

AA Uriel: Good day, Rob. It’s such a pleasure to join you again. This is, indeed, Uriel, standing before you. That’s it; just allow the energy to settle in. There’s no hurry.

You have asked to feel the energy signature of each of us. As you are learning, this can be a highly individualized experience. How do you want to feel the energy? How do you want to experience my presence? The energy behind your eyes, as you describe it, is fine. Go with that. Develop that. Become comfortable with the feeling so that you can recognize it in the future.

Yes, I am the Bringer of the Future. It seems like a difficult concept to understand — hugely complex — but in reality it is not that difficult. Yes, the number of possibilities becomes astronomical, but you really only need concern yourself with the couple that are most likely based on the energy that you are emitting … as well as much of humanity. It is true the future that you experience corresponds to the energy that you are emitting in the present, in the Now.

When people talk about destiny in the Grand Plan, the Divine Plan, the Mother’s Plan, and your questions of how that is to come to be when everyone has a choice of what future they wish to experience, I can see how this might raise questions. But the answer that the Grand Plan is assured is because, deep down, all who are participating in this experiment, in this adventure, of humanity are all choosing the same result. But there is a huge variety in how that might be achieved, based on the current experiences and understandings of all involved.

So when we in the Company of Heaven express the point that the Divine Plan in its unfolding is assured, indeed, it is. For we see the intent of all, of all involved. It is only a matter of what you perceive as time and the methods in which those events will unfold that are yet to be determined. From our vantage point, we can see all the likely futures, so we have a good sense of what will in all likelihood transpire.

But that does not mean that any one timeline is, in itself, assured. We have been surprised before — much to our delight — by the collective will of humanity. And THIS is what this adventure is all about, to being able to experience new and different experiences based on free will. It is a perfect system!

And the play as it has been unfolding for millennia is coming to an end. Again, the specific methods and the timeline cannot be completely, 100%, predicted with accuracy, but we know the days of the Dark Ones are numbered. This is the will, the intention, the firm conviction, of humanity. All are tired of the suffering. All have experienced as much of that as you feel necessary … so it will naturally come to an end.

It is a cause for celebration. Is it not customary at the end of a play for the audience to applaud the players? Perhaps rise to their feet and offer a standing ovation? We are nearing the end of the play, so we are nearing the time for the standing ovation.

So is there anything else that you would care to discuss now that we are, indeed, having a conversation?

Rob: Uriel, as you know, this morning before rising out of bed, I had a dream about playing cards. And the thought occurred to me that you can’t play solitaire with more than one deck of cards; that would be a violation of the rules of the game. Similarly, you can’t play with less than a full deck either. Do you care to comment on that?

Uriel: Certainly. As you know, Rob, the lesson that the card game itself is the game of solitaire means that each of you has a solitary journey to fulfill. You are not playing anyone else’s game, and they are not playing yours. You are all playing your own game, and it is complete unto itself.

The card deck represents the tools, the abilities, the knowledge, the understandings, that you possess as you entered this life in order to play out that game. These define the boundaries of your game. And it can only be effectively played when you are playing with the full deck! (We introduce some humor here to point out that the sense of joy should never be forgotten!)

So the notion of having more than one card deck is hinting at the fact that you can’t very well play, trying to assume the knowledge, the abilities, the understandings of others while you are playing your game. Your card deck, as it were, is complete and sufficient and, in fact, necessary for your chosen experiences.

So the idea is to stop trying to assume the abilities of others when that’s not part of your deck. Be content with what you have, for it was designed to be perfectly complete as it is. Yes, you will develop more abilities. They will unfold for you as it is part of your plan. This is akin to revealing each card as it plays out throughout the game. The longer you stay in the game, the more cards are revealed, the more abilities you achieve.

Be content with what you have, but at the same time be not discontent with what you think you ought to have. For the abilities encompassed within your entire deck is phenomenal within itself. And you will be more than pleased!

And at the same time, if you are missing any one of your cards from the deck, the game cannot play out as it was designed. Then, indeed, you will be frustrated that it cannot come to completion.

Again, do not fear that anything has been lost. The card deck has been a metaphor, meant to assure you that your deck, your chosen abilities for this life’s experiences is complete and available. So don’t worry about those eventualities of your deck being overly burdened or incomplete.

I hope this has been helpful to you. And I hope that you find hope, comfort, solace in these times that you are, in fact, receiving inspirations all the time, messages all the time. With that, I will let you go, to go about your day to have the experiences you so choose. Farewell for now.