Rob: Let’s hear what the Chinese sweetheart has to say. Of course, I see Quan Yin riding in on her dragon, always making such an entrance!

Quan Yin: Thank you, Rob, for giving me this opportunity. I don’t say for inviting me in, because I was the one that knocked on your door. But we are here now, together, to talk a bit about Compassion.

And the idea that I would like to address today is not just compassion to yourself — that is always true; that is always necessary. Today, rather, it’s about projecting that compassion to others. As your teammate’s guide said, and you noted, addressing others — all interactions with others — from the perspective that they just want to be heard is, in itself, an act of compassion on your part, to view those interactions, the perspectives of others — that they are struggling through life or living their life without struggle — the same as you, no different than you, [for] you are all one. Why would they be any different? But the act of compassion on your part is actively acknowledging that that is true.

And then approaching all interactions from the perspective of the underlying love that you are, it is an act of your will. [That is], not allowing your emotions to be overtaken by the emotions of whatever event is in front of you, but rather actively setting that aside and acting out of compassion [to] see the other person as your brother, as your sister, no matter what they are engaged in, and that they are simply trying to express themselves, however they know best at that moment. Perhaps they are acting out of emotion; that’s not who they are; that’s not where they come from. It just happens to be how they are reacting at that moment.

The act of compassion on your part is to see through all of that and to project to them that feeling of love, to understand that they are simply feeling perhaps unheard, unworthy, unseen. So see them, feel them, hear them. That requires a conscious effort on your part.

And in doing so is the opportunity for you to connect to your own heart, to your own spirit, and reach out to theirs. This is why you are here. This is why you are all here in this grand play, this adventure. You will find in doing so and behaving this way that the play becomes so, so much more fun, so much more meaningful.

It’s just another idea of how you can connect day-to-day and to stay connected throughout your day. I hope this has been helpful. I trust it has been so.

Does anyone else have any questions for me?

Teammate: So really, it’s a reminder, as you have said: so if I feel the emotions of others, I’m feeling that coming at me, it’s basically — because our mind and our emotions feed that too, so then of course I felt that afterwards — getting back into the present. [That] is basically what it is and hearing them out? And then just the washing away part. I’m just trying to get a sense of it, because it feels like I got a whirlwind of stuff that had nothing to do with what I was trying to talk about or communicate, and therefore I took on the emotions of others. But I don’t even know if that’s true. How could I have done that better when it’s coming at me, even though I know I’m supposed to be light and love? And I do the infinity with my hands, and I try that way. Any other guidance?

Quan Yin: Certainly. So we would suggest putting up that screen to filter out that emotion. The trick, if I could call it a trick, is to not take on the emotion and get wrapped up in it in the first place. If you never accept it into your being, then you don’t have to let it go. It never arrived. View what you see coming at you with that sense of compassion, of understanding where it’s coming from, what emotion the other is feeling, what is causing them to feel such emotion and project it to you. You don’t have to take it on. THAT is also a conscious choice, a reaction.

And yes, after millennia of living through these plays, day-by-day interactions, it’s become a habit to react to that emotion. But it need not be so. That is a choice, whether you want to react or not. The fact that you recognize now, and even during the event so quickly, what is actually happening speaks to the progress that you have made towards your own mastery of your own emotions and your own understandings of what is actually taking place.

So again, my suggestion would be, especially in those situations where you know that the subject matter will likely touch the emotions of others, to put up a filter around you — that screen, the Divine Mother’s screen, the screen of Love — and not let anything that is not of love come through to your heart and affect you in any way that you see as less than positive.

Does that help?

Teammate: Yes, thank you. It does.

Quan Yin: So I will leave you all now. I’m wishing you the best of days, the most fun of days. And may I suggest to you all, perhaps take a few minutes and ride on your own dragon, just for the fun of it! Farewell, all.