Rob: Getting Archangel Mikael. He’s just coming up next to me, putting his arm around me, like, “Come on, let’s have a chat.”

So Mikael, you’ve heard our team conversation about this being a time of creation; you know what’s on our mind. Is there anything you’d like to share, like to add … even a kick in the pants?! … He’s chuckling.

AA Mikael: Thank you, Rob. Thank you for inviting me this day into your circle once again. As you often say, you do so much better when you’re with your friends. I would concur.

So with regard to the questions you have, the concerns you have about what is happening next in your life with all of the offerings that you continue to make — and might I add that we, the entire Company of Heaven are so pleased with all that you continue to do — don’t ever think that these offerings, as you call them, are in any way small. We advocate to you, we encourage you, all, to dream big. You are SO capable of so much more!

But also understand that what you are offering each and every day in your own way is much bigger than you think.

With regard to your questions about what comes next, I would suggest PATIENCE! … Patience, dear Rob. This is only just starting. Well, in many respects, the transition that is happening on planet now has been going on for a very long time. But with respect to your particular offerings, yes, you answered our call. You had a revelation [about writing a book about the Infinity Keys], and you acted on it. We can ask nothing more of you. And you have brought it to fruition, and it is a fabulous piece of work. Patience!

The issue that so many are facing right now, in this particular time, [is] we are entering in (and we have already entered in) a tremendous period of chaos. And all “chaos” means is [that] things are changing. It feels like chaos to humans on planet, but it really just means the whole system of what you are used to is changing. You are changing. What used to light your fire, to fuel your passion, is changing. The underlying desire to be of service to others, to be of service to Heaven, is always there — has always been — but how that manifests will change. It doesn’t mean you abandon any of your previous passions, but how they manifest for you may be different.

So many folk are feeling the turmoil of that change, what you call chaos, and it is making them uneasy … naturally so. And they aren’t feeling the pull necessarily to attend webinars or other sessions that speak about the peace of Heaven, because they aren’t feeling that at the moment. They feel uneasy. It’s all okay. It’s all part of the natural process.

Continue to offer to be that lighthouse, that beacon of light and hope, and that light will find its way to those who need it, to those who are ready.

And I am here to tell you that once events transpire to the point that we tip beyond that tipping point, the floodgates will open, and you — all of you — will be questioning why were you ever worried about this in the first place!

So if I leave you with nothing else today, let me reiterate patience, trust, and at the end of the day, just feel into the love. Your offering at the end of the day is an expression of helping others find the love within themselves, that that is who they are. And that message is timeless. It’s eternal. It’s infinite. And you can never go wrong with that.

I hope this has helped.  Thank you for all that you do. With that, I will leave you … but I’m not going far. None of us ever are. Take care of yourselves. You will need it in the days that come. Farewell.