Rob: This is Mikael. I’m feeling him behind my left shoulder, as he usually is. It’s kind of funny; Uriel always stands in front of me but Mikael’s right there on my left. Gabrielle’s here too. It started raining here, and I’m hearing her in the rain drops in the downspout. [That is, I thought of her when I heard the rain drops.]

Okay, Mikael, so what do you have to tell me today? I drew the three cards — anything related to that? Or all that I’ve been challenged to get done? Whatcha got?

AA Mikael: Welcome, all! Such a pleasure to be with you this evening!

We often express our thanks and our pleasure of coming within your midst, within your circle, joining you in this circle, and while we may address one of you at a time based on the questions that you have, our joy is really joining you as a collective. This is a joy for us as well. I hope you know that.

For you [in] particular, Rob, this has been a challenging month or two, getting all the worldly things done that you think you need to get done. And you have noticed; it has come into your awareness that with each and every task that you need to fulfill (or feel the need to fulfill), challenges with doing that arise with all of them. This is a learning moment. This was all by design to show you, in particular, that whether the tasks get done — and they are all getting done — it’s to help you understand to remain calm, centered at that point of chaos, when all seems to go awry.

When you’re feeling the pressure that I have to get this done, because there’s 2, 3, 4 more things after this, and you’re feeling that pressure and then something goes wrong, you have noticed you are handling those situations far better now than you would have, say, even a year ago. You are learning … you have learned how to remain centered [in] these particular times of chaos.

It’s also to show you that time has no real meaning. Whether you get these things done on a particular date doesn’t really matter. In the long run, they all get done. You enjoy them just as much whether it was finished a week later than you had originally hoped. Does it really matter what the timeframe is? What matters is that it’s done … and it is done well, and it is done properly.

And all those things that are arising as difficulties, as challenges, are all things that needed to get done. This is a time of clearing, not just clearing your own attitudes and beliefs, but even those things in the physical world where something is not quite right, and it seems to be breaking. And you ask, why now? Because now is the time of clearing [of] that which no longer serves. Everything needs to be put back into proper working order, and you are discovering those — what has been lurking unknown to you behind the scenes — one item at a time.

But again, you are handling it. You’ve had your moments. That’s understandable. That’s a human reaction. But you’ve recovered from that very quickly. Even the situation with your [family member] — you became angry. How long did it take you to realize that’s not the approach you truly wish to take, that’s not the path you want to go down? You saw her two days later, [and you] did nothing but give her a hug [and] tell her you’re sorry. She didn’t even know why. That is the way of love!

So the cards you drew, the first one, as you described it [being] what underpins all, is compassion — first and foremost, compassion for yourself [but then] compassion for all others. It occurred to you that allowing others to learn in the way that best suits them is an act of compassion, as the teacher for the student … which then leads to the ultimate point of wisdom of understanding the Divine Plan, knowing what is the Divine Plan and that we are all, in fact, one. And once you’re there, you find grace — grace in all that you do, but more importantly, in all that you are.

I hope you found this helpful. We are always here … just behind you. So with that, I will let you all go. With all my love, farewell.