Rob: I see myself sitting on top of the pyramid, at the top step, which is where I usually meet Yeshua these days. This is Yeshua.[Chuckles] If you guys saw the Batman movies, there’s a line in that movie where the Joker says, “Why so serious?!” He just said that.

Okay, Yeshi, the card on Prudence jumped out at me. I’m feeling that there’s probably a lesson here for me … maybe for all of us. Whatcha got?

Yeshua: Hello, all. Yes, this is Yeshua, Yeshi, your brother, here to just remind you that all of these human events, yes, they’re just happenings. They’re just something to work through on your journey.

Yes, most often they have a purpose, but your teammate in her wisdom is coming to realize you don’t have to know what that purpose is. You can endeavor to plumb the depths of that if you wish, but it’s not necessary.

At the soul level, you know. You know why it’s happening; it’s all for a reason. It’s just something to work through while you’re here. As she said, trust. Trust in the plan. Trust that you are part of it. Trust that you are, in fact, fulfilling your portion of that plan … and from our perspective, doing so admirably.

We are all in such awe of all of you there, doing exactly what you set out to do in coming to this life at this time for the transition that is RAPIDLY taking place on planet, right now. And isn’t that an opportunity, an occasion for joy?! Think of what is coming and what YOU have done to help that come to be, to come to pass.

Yes, with regard to the card on Prudence, there are lessons here. Even though you know, should know, hope you know, that you are fulfilling your part of the grand plan, there is a need to pace yourself, to go through this life with a sense of prudence, being discerning about when to move forward, when to hold back.

And these events will happen in your life as they need to. Sometimes it’s your decision. Sometimes it’s by agreement with your guides, with all of us, to help you take care of the things that you need to pay attention to, that perhaps you are letting slip.

All of it is for a reason. There is a grander plan. And that’s why the system is set up the way it is, that you have guides who help you stay on that track. Life and physicality has so many distractions to pull you off of that path, that want to pull you off at that path, but we are here to help you stay on track. More often than not, you make the decisions appropriately to fulfill what you came here to do, but sometimes we have to orchestrate events to pull you back.

Not that any of it is wrong; there is no right or wrong. It is simply a matter of the rate of progress towards the eventualities of the plan.

Prudence is making a decision before events happen about whether you should put your energy in a particular place or not, to a particular event. But even if you’re going through life without regard to what comes next, life will happen. These events will happen because you have agreed before you came into this life that this is what should happen, this is what must happen.

And, yes, at the soul level you have agreed, so consequently, they happen. So prudence is simply making those decisions consciously as you are going through this life. But again, it’s not a test. There is no right or wrong.

It all happens as it must. It all happens according to its own timing. And we will help; we are always here to help ensure that you stay on that track, on that path, that you have agreed to, with us. If you need to slow down more so than you are doing, if you need to put your attention in an area that you’re neglecting, we are there to assist.

It may not feel like assistance at the moment when you are in it and experiencing it, but as you are so wisely discerning, when you view all of this from a higher perspective — yes, that perspective that you, in fact, are one with all in the universe, all events that happen, and all other forms of life that exist — then you begin to understand how beneficial it all is in the long run. But again, you don’t need to understand all of that as you are going through it. At the soul level, you know.

And we are always here to support you. All you need do continually is understand that you are loved. We all admire you so much for all that you do and, in the end, that you are love. When we say you are one with all, you are one with love, for love is all that there is.

That can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around, as you say, but as you contemplated, as you said at the beginning, Rob, that becomes easier and easier. And the grand lesson of life is THAT ONE THING!

So I will stop at this point and see if anyone has any questions for me.

Teammate: I actually have two questions. The first one, what you were just saying … we are all one. How do you move beyond it being an intellectual concept to something that we embody and we fully know?

Yeshua: It is to feel, feel EVERYTHING — all decisions, all thoughts, all interactions, viewed from the perspective of love and embodying that feeling. Start there. It will grow, and it will become natural for you as time goes on, as you practice that.

Teammate: Ah. Okay. So I have to find a way to teach how to feel it. Is that what you’re saying?

Yeshua: That would always be helpful … for everyone.

Teammate: In general. You’re gonna have to help me with that with one! Wow, okay. Okay. Thank you.  Second question: Prudence — know when to stay, know when to go — and it’s an area that I’m not so good at when it comes to work. And I try to look at the Litmus Test — does it feel like love? — and my job does not feel like love … but I love the paycheck. So when do you know when to truly go?

Yeshua: If the work that you are doing does not feel like love, then it is simply a means to an end, that is to obtain the paycheck. Approach that job from that perspective, that it is only a paycheck. It need not consume you. Set your boundaries appropriately, and hold fast to that. And if those for whom you are working cannot appreciate and support that, then perhaps it is time to move on.

Teammate: Thank you for that. Yes, I got that clear. Thank you.

Yeshua: And thank you all. So with that, I will sit here and look out over this beautiful landscape that Rob has created. It is always such a pleasure to be here amongst you, with you.  Farewell.