Rob: I was sitting here wondering where, where am I going to meet her? There’s no place in particular, but I’m just seeing the image of the sun. So last time, we were looking at Planet Earth, but now we’re kind of looking the other direction.

So Mother, previously, you spoke to me about not needing to know what the grand plan is for what is transpiring in the world, the transition to higher frequencies, and I accept all of that as it’s not necessary for me to understand the plan, but it has caused me to question, why not? Why can’t I know what the plan is?

Mother Mary: Hello, dear Rob. Thank you for inviting me, and once again, it’s always such a pleasure to speak with you … and twice in a week! What an honor!

So your question about why you can’t know the details of the Divine Plan, it is such a human thing to want to know everything that is going on. But my question to you is, what would you do with that knowledge? Why do you feel the need to know? What would you do with that?

I’m in no way wanting to accuse you of anything, but it is a point of reflection for you. Are you wanting to know just so you can say to others, “Yes, I knew that,” so that you appear to be the one who is all-knowing? Whom does that serve? Would it change the unfolding of the plan if you were to know.

I’m not saying that there is any reason for you not to know. All is available to you. My point is it’s not necessary. And for some, it actually serves the greater good for you not to know. It removes one more potential source of temptation — let’s call it that.

There are also practical matters that the complexities of the plan involving so many different entities, so many aspects of society, of life on planet earth, that sometimes it is best that only those who need to be involved understand what is to transpire. For sometimes, too many cooks in the kitchen does spoil the broth.

The point we are trying to make to everyone is that your role here is to simply be the Love. And from that perspective, whether you understand the details of the plan of what is to transpire is completely unnecessary. For regardless of what transpires, if you are the love and treat everything as it comes from the perspective of love, then you are doing absolutely everything that we would ever expect of you. And you are fulfilling your role.

So in that sense, the plan, the whole plan, is simply for everyone to understand who they are as part of the Divine Radiance of Love. That’s all the plan is.

I suppose that is enough for now. I hope that satisfies. We’ll see if your teammate has any questions for us.

Teammate: Well, Mother, I’m so happy to feel your energy through Rob. It is a wondrous thing. Thank you. So about your plan, the plan being that all of us discover and celebrate the love that we are. It’s that simple?

Mother Mary: It is indeed, and it is actually a return to what life once was on this planet Earth, Gaia, as embodied by beloved Archangel Gi’anna. This is the way it was originally established, to be that playground for humanity to understand what it means to be love while in physical form. So the grand plan is nothing more than returning Earth to the state it once was.

Teammate: So little-by-little or in one big swoosh?

Mother Mary: Oh, in the meaning of your question, I would say little-by-little, for it has been going on for quite some time. The plan to return Earth to the way it once was has actually been underway for millennia. It is now, however, coming to fruition, coming to the point of culmination within your lifetime.

Teammate: That’s really wonderful to hear! And so the emergence of a greater interest in true community, sharing, compassion, the kindness, all of these movements that are gradually lifting us back into awareness of our relationship to each other, which is divine?

Mother Mary: I would suggest that all of those attributes, all of those outcomes, are actually an outgrowth of the recognition of being Divine, being Divine Love. For once you recognize that within yourself, you can act no other way.

Teammate: Yeah, I see that. It doesn’t matter whether you call it that or recognize it in quite those terms, but feeling the love within you, that extending out, then it creates or expresses itself in all of those ways. Is that what you’re saying?

Mother Mary: Exactly. That is exactly correct. Those are the natural outcomes of understanding who you are. Those behaviors are a natural consequence.

Teammate: The greater love for animals, for example, and how everybody’s absolutely in love with their domestic animals, and even all of the animals of the planet, there’s a … I’m feeling my animal bumping against the door. I say one little kitty is wanting to come be a part of the play! But that’s just another example I thought of, and well, there’s so much progress that I see in so many areas that are becoming enlightened.

Mother Mary: I would suggest that your domesticated animals have been the love-holders for much of humanity’s time on planet. They are, indeed, an expression of pure love. For most that is all they know, that is all they desire. So while humanity may not treat other humans with the respect and the love that they are due, that is their birthright, the animals know no different, know no other way, and therefore have been holding that love for humanity to ultimately reciprocate. And often it is [a] human’s desire to love their cherished animals that gets them over the hump, as it were, to show them what unconditional love looks like and feels like, so that they then may extend that to all others, once they accept that within themselves.

Teammate: That’s what it seems to be happening, so that is a beautiful confirmation for how that progresses and how you see that happening. Can you give us any other example where you are particularly impressed with the speed of love, so to speak.

Mother Mary: It is happening across the planet with greater and greater speed every day. You see reflections of it. Unfortunately, it’s not as often covered in your news, but there are alternative sources to find such events. People are posting them every day. If you desire to be uplifted by such, go look for them, for they are there. It is happening EVERYWHERE on planet, and we are so pleased at everyone’s progress.

Teammate: Really grateful for your coming to give us this reassurance and for being with us all the time through this. Thank you, Mother.

Mother Mary: Thank you for all that you do, for holding the love here in this space on a regular basis, but not just here. You carry that with you wherever you go, so thank you. With our gratitude and our blessings, I say farewell.