Rob Loveland
Spirit Life Coach and Council of Love Teacher
My spiritual journey started when I was in High School when my father got me interested in prophesies about the future, but it really took off when I was in college. I found a book about Edgar Cayce’s readings, specifically Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man, by …. The story just rang true for me, and I found the prospect of a hidden history of man to be very intriguing!
That began a long, meandering journey of study through the Edgar Cayce readings to the Law of One material, then Gary Renard (Disappearance of the Universe), then A Course in Miracles, then David Wilcock (Divine Cosmos), on to the Golden Age of Gaia blog, which ultimately led me to Linda Dillon and the Council of Love (COL).
After studying all this, I’m convinced that all sources teach the same message, but each approaches it from a slightly different perspective and with a different focus. I’ve come to learn that “being spiritual” is really about understanding who you are, why you are here, and what role you are already playing.
But, I grew tired of studying, sharing Stephen Trevor Rich’s assessment that “I feel like I’m in God’s waiting room and I’ve read all the magazines.” It’s clear to me that the COL offers us the playbook, so I moved into practical application by becoming certified as a Council of Love Teacher and SpiritLife Coach!
After a long career in Government as a Computer Scientist, I have a sense of what motivates people. I was a “technical” guy, and as a result, I’ve learned how to communicate spiritual concepts to technically-minded folk. If I could fully embraced my spiritual side, so can you! And once you do, you will see just how powerful you are!
As a Council of Love Teacher and SpiritLife Coach, I’m well equipped to set you on a path that will surely change your life. You hold within you the power to access your multi-dimensional spirit to create the life you want! Through the COL’s guidance, you will realize that you ARE in total control! … and that realization will bring peace, peace of mind and peace of heart!
I live in the Baltimore area and am an avid sailor, crewing in weekly northern Chesapeake Bay yacht club races, while also day-sailing my own 24-ft trimaran, “Alicin.” As every sailor knows, an epic sailing adventure begins with charting your course.
In that sense, I am something of a Spiritual Navigator, teaching others how to navigate a course toward spiritual awakening by finding their own internal, spiritual GPS. I can teach you how to set a course for your own life.
It would be my honor to embark with you on a voyage of discovery, guided by the “true north” of your own inner compass. Won’t you embark with me on an adventure of a lifetime!