[This message is a continuation of the previous posting that the recurring theme of Trust-Surrender-Allow is linked directly to Faith. — Rob]
Rob: I have some sense that I need to hear something about faith, which actually makes some sense, given all of the “high strangeness” that’s happening in the government these days. How do we maintain faith through all of this? So I’m going to invite in Archangel Gabrielle. She comes down in a shower of golden light from above …
Okay, Gabrielle, you’ve heard the question. So what do I need to hear about faith?
AA Gabrielle: Greetings, Rob! Greetings, all.
So the idea of faith is really the collection, the aggregate, of a number of concepts for which you often speak of, you, collectively, in this group, in this circle: trust, surrender, and allow. All of those taken together essentially make up what you know of as faith, [i.e.] holding faith.
And you well know, Rob, trust, one of the Keys of Heaven, is trusting the divine realm that there is a plan, that you are part of it, and that it’s all proceeding according to plan. But then, of course, any Key to Heaven is preceded by the Keys to Self — in this case, your ability to surrender. Surrender is putting yourself in that position to be able to trust in heaven. It’s surrendering yourself, your own ego, to something far greater than you.
But in reality, it’s not greater than you. It is you surrendering yourself to the idea that that is who you are, that you are part and parcel of heaven, allowing yourself to be there, to be part of that, allowing yourself, giving yourself over to the idea that, yes, there is a plan. I am part of it. We’re all part of it, for there is no separation.
So trusting, surrendering, allowing, this is all collectively what you know of as “holding faith.” In spite of what you see around you, you know, deep within your heart, at the core of your heart, that all is well. All is proceeding exactly as it is planned to be. There is a purpose behind everything.
Rob: Well, thank you for that. I’m wondering, as I often do, about my own ability, or any of our abilities, to hold that faith in the turmoil that is actually already here. How do we hold that faith and trust ourselves that we will uphold our portion of the divine plan?
Gabrielle: Your faith in yourself is born in the idea, in the reality, in the truth that there is no separation. You are not separated from heaven. Neither is anyone else. So all events that you see, no matter how crazy they may seem to your logical mind, is all an expression of the One, and there is a purpose.
On the one hand, you feel yourself, at times, being nervous about the state of government, the affairs of government, how crazy things seem to be. But on the other hand, you’re also excited about the apparent transparency that is happening before your very eyes. You have longed for this. You have often said that the primary key to an effective governance structure is the transparency to the people who give that governance structure its power, and you are starting to see that transparency.
Yes, it will be difficult to learn all that has happened, been happening, continues to happen, but all that must come to light. We have said before that this is the time of truth.
So your faith in yourself, in upholding the divine plan, is simply understanding that there is no separation.
This is the way it has been laid out, the way it is unfolding. But not just YOU and your part, but EVERYONE, all that you see, is playing out, every portion under heaven is playing out the plan according to heaven. Fall back on that idea. Feel into that idea, that no matter what you see, all will be well, even if it becomes uncomfortable in the process.
I hope this has set your mind at ease to some degree.
Rob: Actually, it set my mind at ease in a great way, so thank you for that.
Gabrielle: It is my pleasure. It is always my pleasure, to be with you, all of you, to join you in this circle. Take care, all. Take care of yourself. This is a time of focusing on yourself and what is best for you, to follow your heart, and when you do, all will be well.
So again, take care. Go with my love. Farewell.