Rob: Seems I’m going down into the center of the Earth where I’ve met Gi’Anna before [with] the Council Fire in the background. The way she appears to me, she looks like the Irish St. Brigit/Brigid. She has red hair and green eyes …

Gi’Anna: Welcome, Rob. Welcome, all. Yes, this is Gi’Anna, come to connect with you all … although, we are never not connected. You are always connected to me, to the kingdoms, and, yes, to the elementals. You are all my children, and I don’t differentiate one order from the other. You are all beloved to me … and to the rest of the Company of Heaven. So I thank you for calling me today.

Yes, you received the card on beauty, a simple reminder that it is always worth your time to notice the beauty around you. It is beautiful!

But what I would really like to stress to you today is that you are part of that beauty. The beauty of nature lives in you. It is you! You! The creation of you, in your humanness on my surface, is a miracle, and it is a beautiful creation. And you should see yourself the way we see you, in that light, as that light, shining brightly. Just as the freshly fallen snow, you are blanketing everything around you with your light, that brightness, that purity … if you only allow yourself to see it and view yourself that way.

So those questions of what should you be doing, to a large degree, you are doing it, just by being here and being your radiant Self. You are doing far more with that alone than you completely understand. Relax! Yes, take on whatever tasks you’re moved to take on. This is your adventure. This is why you’re here, for whatever experiences you choose to have. Do those things, and do them in joy and see them as yet more beautiful creations, extending the overall beauty of this experience, here on this planet with me!

So I come today to offer a bit of encouragement. This is a time of change. We are coming out of an age of darkness, and now is the time for you to shine evermore brightly, to be our agents of that change, to help all that you see through whatever comes to pass. And again, all you need do is shine brightly, as you are, as the beautiful creations that you are.

See the beauty in all others, in nature, in the kingdoms, in the elementals, and in your humankind, all of them. It is all here for you and your experience. Have fun with it.

Are there any questions for me at this point?

Teammate: Just to summarize, I think what you’re saying is just live in awareness of all the beauty around you; let your light shine, and you’re doing what you’re supposed to do.

Gi’Anna: Exactly. Recognizing the beauty around you, in itself, will raise your vibration or keep your vibration higher. That is the point of ascension, to elevate that vibration, that frequency, that love across the entire planet. Recognizing beauty in whatever is around you IS an act of love.

Teammate: Thank you.

Gi’Anna: With that then, I will let you all go. Please go in my love, knowing that I am always here with you … as we all are. Farewell for now.