Rob: So I always see Jophiel off here to my right … not in any particular setting. So I’m playing with this idea of reading cards, three cards at a time. Is the card on Jophi Dust any indication that I should be using your Jophi Dust to help resolve any of these physical issues I have — my thumbs, my neck? Wherever you want to go with this …
AA Jophiel: Good afternoon, Rob. Yes, this is Jophiel, Bringer of the Future.
It is certainly a suggestion, drawing the cards, that you should use my Jophi Dust for any form of transmutation (or transformation) that you wish to effect. If it’s your physical challenges, so be it. [I’m] more than happy to help.
So most often, such physical ailments are some indication of something that is going on at a much deeper level. Anything that happens in the physical first happens at the spiritual level. The physical is simply a manifestation of whatever is going on inside of you, and it finds its expression in your physical being.
If there is some ailment, something is not quite right, then that’s an indicator to you that there’s something within you that needs to be addressed. If you were in perfect balance with yourself, completely in alignment with the universe, as it were, you would have no physical ailments. All would be well.
The physical body is a wondrous thing; it is such a hugely complex mechanism. It is a miracle, in itself. And again, it’s your indication that there’s some belief, some attitude, some underlying fear that you’re holding on to and it’s showing up in your physical body to let you know there’s something to be addressed here.
You have asked about the pain in your hands, your thumbs, at times in your fingers; it’s an indicator that you’re holding on to certain beliefs way too tightly. It’s time to let those go.
You do so much. You put so much on yourself, so much work. And we know this gives your life meaning. It’s what you choose to do, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But that must come within a system of balance. There must be time to relax, rejuvenate, allow yourself to recover.
As you often say, you’re extremely hard on your hands, and it’s true. So of course you can use the Jophi Dust. Let that shower down upon you and settle into your hands, `all directed by your intention to transmute what is causing the pain to be relieved. As soon as you let that go — let go of the baggage you are carrying; loosen your grip — the pain will disappear. Allow the Jophi Dust to settle in to rejuvenate your joints, the tendons, the cartilage, all of the physical processes that make your hands work. Allow that to settle in. Allow that to soothe what is not operating smoothly, and the pain will disappear.
Similarly, the pain in your neck, there’s a reason they call people “stiff-necked,” holding on to ideas, being stubborn, and not letting go ideas that no longer serve you.
Spend time each day connecting. You, yourself, have admitted when you get busy, when you feel overwhelmed, you spend less time connecting with your spirit, with the core of who you really are. And when you neglect that, that’s when issues arise.
I know that seems paradoxical — that when you’re busy, you feel you don’t have time to do those things. But it’s those very things that keep you in a state of wellness, that allows you to carry on to do all of the things that you want and need to do. It’s a matter of priorities.
Be clear on your priorities and what is important to you. Is it that your many chores get done? Certainly they need to get done, in time, but is that what’s most important? Is that why you’re here? Think about it from the larger perspective; look back on your life from the end point. Will it have mattered whether you accomplished all of those day-to-day chores at the end of your life? Is that how you will be judged? Is that how you will judge yourself?
Are any of those things important? They may be necessary for living in the physical, but within the grand Divine Plan, are they really necessary? Be clear about what it is that you want, what your purpose is. Remind yourself daily. Spend time aligning your will to the will of Heaven.
I trust this has been helpful to you. I don’t feel the need to preach. Perhaps your teammates have questions?
Teammate: Dear Jophiel, is Rob open now to understanding a little bit more about what particular belief is causing his physical pain, or is there a particular belief — that would be one question — a particular belief he could start with today? And then the second question is, is there something dietary that would support the pain mechanism also, or support the ease in his body — reduce inflammation, for example? I do understand the underlying thought/belief is the root cause, but I wondered if there could be some supportive dietary change or addition that would be helpful.
Jophiel: Well, thank you for that … on behalf of Rob. So with respect to the pain in his hands, it is as I indicated; he is attempting to carry too much, too heavy of a weight of tasks that he is taking on to himself.
Teammate: Because he believes he must, he should, he owes it, he needs to qualify?
Jophiel: It comes from a desire to be of service to others, and there is nothing wrong with that. That is admirable. But there is a limit … or more accurately, there is a balance about leaving time to nurture himself in the process.
And with regard to dietary changes, he knows he eats well enough, has all of the nutrients that he needs to be perfectly healthy. If anything, I would suggest that he eat less. He can be perfectly happy eating what he is — his wife does very well to keep him fed properly. Perhaps not indulge so much. But again, that is a source of enjoyment, and there’s nothing wrong with that. So thank you for the question.
Teammate: Thank you.
Jophiel: Well, I will step side. But as always, none of us are far. Take care of yourselves, all. Farewell.