[This is a rather long conversation, but, as usual, Archangel Mikael has so much wisdom and guidance to share. And, he may have been talking to (and through) me, his message is for us all. — Rob]

AA Michael
Rob: As always, Mikael is standing behind me, on my left, with his right hand on my left shoulder. I turn to greet him. He is very large, much taller than me, but he shrinks himself down to my size so we are looking each other in the eye. I see his blue.
Mi-ka-el, thank you for joining me. I wonder if you can share some wisdom, some guidance, regarding my question of how do we love others, events, circumstances, when there’s so much about it that is bothersome, that is troublesome. How do we find … not the strength … the focus to remain in order to return to that place of love.
There was a recent posting from the Arcturians about preferring not to use the language, “light warriors.” I agree with that sentiment. Do you have anything to share with me regarding any and all of this?
AA Mikael: Thank you, Rob. This is Mikael. While I am known as the warrior, the light warrior of archangels, and I carry a sword and a shield, one must understand what these truly represent. The sword is for cutting away what is not true, what no longer serves, and that ultimately means what is not of love. It is never to be used on another, to cut, to slash, to stab another, but rather, if another is behaving in a way that is not of love, then to cut away that aspect so that that thinking, that feeling, does not encroach upon you. And the sword — I’m sorry — the shield, this serves a similar function of blocking that same energy of non-love.
So, you see, we have no issue with not using the term light warriors. That was a construct and an old way of thinking that was useful at the time. Are we combating darkness? Surely, we are! But it is not in an aggressive way. It is in a loving way. For it is love, the light that emanates from love, that dispels the darkness. The warrior analogy is simply to mean that you must always be on your guard to ensure that in the chaos of the lower dimensions you do not allow the feelings, the beliefs, the thoughts of non-love to enter into your psyche and to take root.
So in that sense, it is defending yourself against an invasion, an invading army, but in reality that invasion only happens if you allow it. You, all of you, are such powerful beings of light that there is no way in creation that darkness could penetrate that. In fact, there is no such thing. Darkness dissipates in the presence of light. The only way that it can encroach is if you turn down your light or turn it off completely. And in reality one cannot turn it down completely, but you can hide it.
Your task now, what I ask you to do as one of my so-called warriors as part of my army, is to remove all coverings of your light, to allow yourself to shine brightly, and in doing so, the darkness will disappear.
So as events unfold, or as you go about your day-to-day life and see events and aspects that are not of love, come back to the point that darkness can only enter into you if you turn down your light. Keep your light shining brightly, and it cannot enter in.
And in looking at events that you recognize as not of love, I encourage you, I implore you, to stay away from judgment. Judgment is the path to the dark side. Judgment is rooted in the belief in separation, that others are separate from you. Therefore you can judge them as not you and not how you would behave. But the reality is all that you see that you would judge to be the acts of others are about reflections of what is within you you may not have perpetrated a particular act. But it is happening to show you what is within you. There is some aspect of the same thinking that led to that act that exists within you.
So in seeing what it is that you would judge, you are being given an opportunity to let that go, to shine your light into that aspect of yourself where darkness has encroached. It will take some time, but as more and more people — beautiful, light bearing souls — come to recognize this, then all those seemingly negative events in the world will vanish.
Your job, here, now, is to be an example to others of how to do this, of how to maintain your center and keep your light burning brightly, shining brightly, showing them the way.
These are difficult times. Indeed, it is a time of loneliness. So many feel disconnected from Source. As you struggle with recognizing those bits of darkness within yourself, it tends to make you feel isolated. You’ve been thinking, rightfully so, that you are on the forefront of lightworkers that you have started to wrap your head around and accept your role as a bearer of light. Now, as you see these points of darkness within yourself, you feel defeated. You feel as if you are a fraud. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is actually a sign to you, for you, of encouragement, that you are finally releasing the last bits of darkness within yourself.
We understand that in the process. This can make you feel isolated and alone … which is why we, all of us in the Council of Love and everyone in the Company of Heaven, are encouraging you to reach out to us, to connect with us, regularly. Keep reminding yourself [that] you are our boots on the ground.
The period of difficulty will be short-lived. A time of great joy and celebration is on the horizon. It may take a little time as you see it for that to manifest, for that to manifest on a global scale. However, you can experience that joy and receive the accolades of that celebration, right here, right now, through your own choice. How can you not be filled with joy, knowing that you are so close to the end and victory is assured? And you have had no small part in making that come to fruition.
We love you dearly, for all that you do. I hope this has been helpful to you. Do you have any other questions for me?
Rob: Mikael, thank you so much. I drew a card today and read a passage from Yeshua’s book about Sacred Purpose. Can you share a little, related to what you’ve been discussing, about how Sacred Purpose is involved in that process?
AA Mikael: Excellent question, Rob. Yes, both Sanat Kumara and Yeshua wanted to remind you today, as an extension of what Sanat Kumara shared on Monday about Intention, that Sacred Purpose is the starting point of all that you do day-by-day, all that you create. The point is simply a reminder that you need to remind yourself on a daily basis what your Sacred Purpose is.
You have felt that that is simple enough, that everyone’s Sacred Purpose seems to be the same thing. And given that you are all here as lightworkers to beam your light to all that you see, to dispel the darkness that exists within the outer world (which is really a reflection of the inner world), then, yes, everyone’s Sacred Purpose is ultimately the same. You are all children of the Mother. You are all our boots on the ground. So in that sense, all light workers have the same, or at least a very similar, Sacred Purpose.
For you, Rob, I know you are worried, or [are] questioning at least, about the coaching business, that why there are no clients? The coaching aspect, as a business, is really the side gig. You are coaching all the time. Many of the others, your teammates, your fellow COLTs, you are coaching them every day. Virtually every interaction, through your own actions, they see someone who is a bit further out in front in terms of making the COLT experiment a reality. Or within your practice teams or within your teaching teams, you are showing them how one behaves to manifest these abilities into reality. Don’t get down on yourself. It’s not about the money. As you have realized recently, you have more money than you know what to do with.
And we will find out soon enough what you really have. But I encourage you don’t get hung up on that for none of that is important. Worry is based in fear. Fear is the path to the dark side. Trust that all will be well. We have your back. Call on us to manifest the abundance that you need at the time, and we will be there to assist.
So for your Sacred Purpose, I encourage you to make it part of your daily practice, to remind yourself what that is, perhaps even to write down [or] to draw out what it is that you are here to do, as you understand it, every day. And that may morph over time as you become more comfortable with it and you begin to see more and more of the bigger picture.
Mr. Cayce was correct. All should be clear on their ideal. That ideal is rooted in your Sacred Purpose. It is a reflection of your Sacred Purpose. Think about that and how you would represent that for yourself. And yes, the lighthouse is an excellent image for you.
I feel we have spoken for long enough today. You have a fair amount to chew on.
We love you dearly. Go in peace. All will be well. Farewell, Rob.
Rob: Thank you, Mikael.