[Since my posting from Lao Tzu talked about the Balance between Hope and Connectedness, it makes sense to me to follow up with a message on each of those individually — the previous one on Hope, and this one on Connectedness (from Archangel Mikael).  — Rob]

Rob: I can’t get Archangel Mikael out of my head, so it must be him.

AA Mikael: Yep, it’s me, Mikael.

Rob: Welcome, Mikael. Is there anything that you would like to share, perhaps about the idea of connectedness?

AA Mikael: Thank you, Rob, for the invitation. Thank you, all. As we always say, it is such a joy to join you in this circle.

To speak about connectedness, I would suggest to you all [to] just look around. Look at who you are connected to now. Do you BELIEVE that you are, in fact, connected as one to all in this circle? As you come together regularly, you experience this connectedness, that heart-to-heart connection with what seems to you as another. But at the end of the day, you’re all one, and you are one with us. It is simply a matter of accepting that, believing that, or knowing that that is true. Connectedness stems from, is a product of, the knowing that you are, in fact, all one, that you are one with all.

So it is tied intimately to that absolute knowing [of] what you in the Keys to Self have labeled as hope. Hope is going through the world, approaching all aspects of life, from the perspective of knowing that you are, in fact, a member of Heaven, remembering that that is true.

And connectedness is acknowledging that there is no action that you can take, there is no thought that you can hold, no feeling that you can feel that does not affect all around you. So with that comes a great responsibility to take ownership of what it is that you are doing, thinking, feeling, for it is having an effect. Understand that; believe that. And once you do, you will naturally start to modify what it is that you are doing, when you realize the impact you are having, whether you consciously think it or not, whether you consciously accept it or not.

But there’s also tied with that the whole notion of the faith that you hold that you will do no harm, that all is for the highest good. You are here on planet as OUR team members for a reason. You know what you’re doing. You are a master at your craft, and you are doing fabulously. Have no fear of that. There is nothing that you can do that is the wrong step. You may feel that way at times, but more often than not, that is just an artifact of clearing the energy, the old energies, that no longer serve, either you, your circle, or the rest of the planet.

So proceed in faith, knowing what impact you are having on all! And we could not be more thrilled at your progress, at the good that you are doing across the entire planet. It won’t be long now. Hold tight and proceed in the knowing.

With that, we’ll see if anyone has any questions for me.

Teammate: My question is: [it is] interesting that you said, you know, thinking, feeling, and doing has an impact on all — intuitively, you know I know that. So I just thought of something this morning that I probably could have handled better in my emotions, so I was wondering how does one go about correcting [that], other than the acknowledgement/awareness, correcting and undoing it for the better, not only for yourself, but for the all? I know we have tools, but is it, like, stop and do a tool or something else that could be, sort of like, on the spot when we have the awareness?

AA Mikael: The tools are simply a facility for you to use to help you focus. So if you find that helpful, then please avail yourself of all the tools that you’ve learned or any particular that speaks to you. First and foremost, if there’s any time when you feel during some event that you could have handled it better, first and foremost, do not beat yourself up over it. It is all part of the process of clearing what needs to be cleared.

Sometimes those seemingly negative reactions are simply a way of letting out the negative energy that has been suppressed within you for quite some time. It must come out. Anger or negative emotions, in general, are a great way to release the energy. The key is don’t attach yourself to it, and don’t beat yourself up for it. It is simply a release mechanism.

And as you, yourself, have acknowledged, let it go! Just release it. Bless it for what it has taught you and acknowledge the fact that you have now released that and don’t need to do it again. It’s the holding on to it, for fear of having done something wrong, that causes it to reappear. As soon as you accept the fact that you don’t need to do that anymore is when it will stop.

Does that make sense?

Teammate: Yes. Thank you.

AA Mikael: So I will take my leave. Go with my blessings and go with my admiration and my support, as is true of all of us here. Take care all.