Rob: Looks like this is going to be Archangel Mikael.

So Mikael, I guess that means you would like to have a chat. Do you have any guidance for us today, for me? What can I do for you today?

AA Mikael: Thank you, Rob. Welcome all! I paused a bit at the beginning to allow you to feel the energy. It’s always there. [This is] just an opportunity to tune in.

Yes, I sent you the card today, relevant to the conversation that you were having earlier in the day, about remaining anchored during these tumultuous times. And I agree with others — “tumultuous” is a good word.

So while we understand your desire to stay in touch to some degree with what is happening in the world in order to be able to talk to others if they have any questions or when conversations within your circle of friends or family comes back to events that are happening in the world — at those points you want to be able to say something with some knowledge of what is happening to offer guidance, and we applaud you for this; that is a responsible approach to take — the caution, however, is to not let yourself get sucked into it. And as you said today to your friends that sometimes you find that difficult because of your disappointment in what you think should happen or, more appropriately, WHEN it should happen. Again, we caution you — stay detached.

Your feelings — what you have described as weirdness for not feeling overly emotional about events — is simply a reflection of your true understanding of what is happening. You are correct that much of it is theater. What you see on the news and what is presented in public is rarely the true story. You understand this.

But at the same time, spending too much time trying to discern what truly is happening, while I don’t want to say is futile, that’s a very tall order and one that you will not likely find easy to master … IF the information is EVER made available to you to be able to do so. So stop worrying about it. It’s okay to be informed. There’s no issue there. But at the end of the day, you know what your guidance is going to be at all times, irrespective of what you know or don’t know. Your guidance to others is always to come back to who they are, which in their heart is love.

Come back to that place of love as guidance to all others, both within yourself. Feel into the message that you want to express — is it of love? If it is, then it will be useful. If what they’re expressing is not of love, then do what you can to bring them back to that point. And you do so by showing them what that looks like, what that feels like, and they will see the peace that you have, that you exhibit.

You called it “weirdness” to not feel overly emotional about events, and why would you? What you are seeing and hearing is not necessarily real. Why would you get emotional about something that feels false? So while you said the roller coaster rises not very far, neither does it dip, but it remains in a relatively steady state. That is a state of peace. Why would you desire anything but that?

So I’m here to tell you that what you are doing in large part, for the most part, is exactly what you should be doing. I know you don’t like the expression, a “Warrior of Peace,” so choose any word that you do like. The point is, BE the demonstration of peace! And that goes for all of you.

So do your dear teammates have any questions for me?

Teammate 1: Well, Archangel Michael, thank you for visiting with us. I guess I’m wondering when events happen very close to you or even in your own life and touch you, and they touch your energy so strongly and your emotion so strongly that it takes a few days to regain your equilibrium. Does this do lasting harm, when you’re in the stage that we are in where we can regain our peace? But I just wonder about if there’s like such a thing as, like, energetic scarring or trauma that would need special attention to be cleared.

AA Mikael: So yes, there could be trauma, emotional scarring, if you allow it to affect you that much. It’s okay to feel the emotions. That’s what being human is all about. When tragic events happen around you, especially close to you, allow yourself to feel the emotion. Allow yourself to be thrown off, if you will, of your equilibrium. The work that you are doing as Lightworkers, as Love-holders, IS to bring yourself back to that point of equilibrium. That — the act of doing that — of allowing yourself to feel those emotions that come from such seemingly negative actions of others, bringing that back to the equilibrium, to the peace, to the feelings of love, that is the work of Lightworkers, and in doing so, it transmutes the negativity back to the positivity. Does that help?

Teammate 1: Yes, I guess I was curious if you saw the remnants of that in my energy field. It does seem like it’s past now.

AA Mikael: There are still residuals you are carrying with you, some sense of sadness, I will say, for the events that occurred. And it’s okay that that lingers. Again, don’t beat yourself up for being human, for allowing the emotion to flow, for in the flow of the emotion is how you transmute it. You have to bring that to light in order to bring it back to the Love. And however long that happens is how long it happens.

Teammate 1: Thank you.

AA Mikael: You’re very welcome. Are there any others?

Teammate 2: I’m holding on to the words “demonstrators of peace,” and I so appreciate that, because I — the human side of me — was very triggered by you saying that this is not real. Having known people who have been killed in war zones and having friends that are now heading over to help bring peace there, it’s very real. It may not be real in the way it’s projected on the news, but it is very real, and we are all very affected by it in our own ways, because we want to see peace. We want to see our Nova Gaia that we are trying to build and experience love. So I was very triggered by that. I don’t have a question. I’m just expressing that, so I’m not holding on to the emotion.

AA Mikael: Thank you, and that is appreciated. Again, please allow me to clarify. When I say it is not real, it is very real for those who are affected directly by it in terms of the emotion that that engenders. What is NOT real is the explanations of that, [i.e.] the situation that is presented to you through your media and through the narrative that is expressed. So what is actually happening in that particular theater is not … is not correct in terms of what is actually happening. But to be clear, the emotions you feel, no one is denying that. That is the point of the experience — to feel such emotions. But also understand that everything — everything! — happens for a reason. And all involved ultimately agreed to their role in the events that transpired, as difficult as that may be for those who are left behind. But THAT is the learning experience.

Teammate 2: Thank you for that.

AA Mikael: Thank you. Thank you all. We express this every time, and it’s worth repeating — it is such a joy to witness your circle. Go with our blessings, and more importantly, go with our peace. Farewell.