Rob: You know I wasn’t thinking Uriel, but that’s who I see. He appears to me all dressed in white, with long straight white hair. He’s standing in front of me. With this finger, he’s touching my forehead — my fourth eye, between my eyebrows — telling me to relax. Actually, he said, “Calm down!”

So, Uriel, I seem to be going through a bit of a rough patch here, being completely overwhelmed with too much to do [and] not enough time to get it done. Everything seems so difficult — challenges with getting any of it done when I try, taking missteps, getting sick. What do I take from all of this?

He’s being very stern … very serious. [Chuckles] He said, “Oh no I’m not!”

Uriel: Hello, this is Uriel. I come today to remind you, always, YOU ARE ONE! Never forget that. Any difficulties you have in life are just a reflection of what’s going on on the planet at the moment. It’s no reflection on who you are! Relax. Calm down. It’s all okay.

For you, Rob, and you know this, you have a tendency when you get overwhelmed [and] feel like you have too much to do, you neglect the things that are most important, because you don’t feel like you have the time. You don’t do the daily meditation. You don’t do the Qi Gong. You skip those things to get right into the busyness of the day.

Does that really serve you? Did you get any more done by the end of the day than had you started with acknowledging first who you are and why you are here? Are any of those things important to get done in a particular timeframe, in a timeframe measured on Earth scales. What does that mean? How does that matter? Is it helping you live one day longer? You’re here for a reason, and none of it … none of that reason has anything to do with whether the house project gets done, whether you have a garden, or even whether the work on your boat ever gets done.

Yes, those are all things you enjoy, and we would never want to stand in the way of you expressing your own joy in your own way, but don’t take it to the point of making yourself sick. Where’s the joy in that?

So you have a team around you. Others have reached out to you, asking for help. Why do you not do the same? I’m sure they would all enjoy helping in whatever way they can. That goes for any of the rest of your family and friends as well.

One of the things that is bothering you now is you feel like so much that you do you have to do on your own, that nobody is coming to help you. That could not be further from the truth! But it is also true you have to ask.

So I know, starting this session, you said you just wanted to have fun, so we’ll let all of that go. That’s enough of the lecture for today.

I suggest to you, tomorrow or even tonight, just let all of that go and look around. See the beauty. It’s a beautiful day today. It’ll be a beautiful evening. Go outside [and] just lay in the grass and let that heal you physically and mentally. Just let that energy flow through you, and all of those other cares and worries, let them be carried away. We will be there. We will gladly take the burden from you!

So with that, we’ll see if your teammates would like to assist. Do any of you have any questions? Comments?

Teammate: I do. Thank you for being here, Uriel. Rob so loves you, so this comes from you. If there’s anything that you can give Rob to remind him to infuse joy into all of his activities so they don’t seem like arduous tasks, but he can have more fun when he’s doing it. Is there anything that you can share or give to him that will remind him to do this on a daily basis?

Uriel: I am placing before Rob the Silver Flame and touching it to his forehead as a reminder to see the light in everything, everyone, every thing in every activity. And what is light but the energy, the visual representation of the energy, of love. If it’s an activity you love doing, fall back on that. There’s nothing arduous about love. Let it flow through you.

Rob gets hung up on time. There’s no time in love, for love is eternal. It’s always there. Hang on that.

Teammate: That’s beautiful. Thank you so much.

Uriel: And thank you all. Thank you all for being here, for Rob and for all of us. We so enjoy your discussions [and] your support of each other. I will take my leave. Go with my blessings and my light. Farewell.