Rob: As I face forward, Uriel is standing in front of me.

Uriel, thank you for joining me. I wonder if you could give me, give all of us, some guidance on how we can help others through these times of turmoil and chaos without getting sucked into the drama.

He’s touching my forehead, my third eye, with the Silver Flame.

AA Uriel: Thank you, Rob; thank you, all, for inviting me. It is always such a pleasure to be with you. These times are indeed filled with chaos and turmoil, but I would first like to remind you that the chaos is not necessarily a negative thing, for in the process of change, there is always chaos. It is simply a marker of the time of change.

So first and foremost, don’t in any way view such events as a negative. It’s all part of the grander plan, the Mother’s Divine Plan. What you see happening in the world today are the last vestiges … [pause] Sorry, I’m searching for the word here … it’s the last throes of a trapped animal, the darkness in the world, knowing that it no longer has a foothold, a grasp within humanity, and it is lashing out. So yes, trapped animals can be dangerous, but it’s temporary. And it is simply a reaction at the moment. This too shall pass.

The negativity that’s being expressed today is necessary. It must come out in order to be seen for what it is so that the rest of humanity can see it and realize this is not what [they] want. This has no part of Nova Earth, so they must see it in order to release it.

But to come back to your question, how can you help others through this process? It is exactly to hold the feeling and to be an expression of hope. Hope is the understanding,  the divine knowing that there is a plan. This is all part of it. And we will come out the other side in a much better place, on the threshold of Nova Earth where such negativity no longer has a place.

So for you, all of you as lightworkers/loveholders, is to hold the hope out for everyone. Be that example that no matter what seemingly happens in the external world, it cannot drag you off the path you are on to achieving Nova Earth. And it is far closer in time than you perhaps believe … certainly much closer in time than they believe.

So be that ray of hope. Be that expression of love no matter what happens, for all involved in the chaos, for we are all one. You can’t love one portion and not all. This may seem challenging, but when you accept the point that we are, in fact, all one and that all events as they seem to unfold are all part of the Divine Plan, then how can you not be filled with love for all?

I hope this makes sense. Do your teammates have any questions for me?

Teammate 1: Yes, I do. First of all, thank you for joining us today through Rob.

AA Uriel: Always my pleasure.

Teammate 1: I understand your message, and I understand how Lightworkers, people who’ve been studying what’s really happening, would understand this. But for the vast majority of … maybe not vast, but large majority, certainly … the people I associate with don’t have this understanding, and yet they are in a feeling of total chaos. And to explain to them in the terms that you have explained to us, I think would not resonate yet, because they’re not to that point of understanding. So other than just saying, it’ll be okay or something like that, how do we help those who are not aware of the real things happening and are still mired in older paradigms of religion, church, worldly events?

AA Uriel: You are quite correct that you will not be able to explain at an intellectual level to others what is happening, and I would suggest that you not try. Rather just BE an example of what peace looks like — to remain anchored in times of chaos, to show them what that looks like and what that feels like, that you are, in fact, able to retain your peace and to remain centered and to be an example of love. And when they are through with their initial reactions, then they will see you as that example (as Rob likes to refer to himself) as that lighthouse beaming the light, remaining anchored. And then they, perhaps slowly, will start to think how can I have what they have? I am tired of the chaos. I want peace. They are clearly an example of that. Then, they are open to listen!

Are there any others?

Teammate 2: So, yes. So in our smaller circles, like say with family, some of my family members may be struggling a little bit. What I’m finding myself in now is random conversations with people that are asking — not asking me about what I’m doing but, these conversations start me talking about my spiritual path a little bit. Not that I’m teaching, but I feel like it’s coming out of my mouth without me trying to control it. Because at a time, I was calling everything “yoga,” because yoga makes sense to people — but now it’s this other layer that I’m introducing. I’m talking about it at a high level, but I feel like these conversations may grow in other relationships that I have. And I’m not prepared to be a teacher at this time right now, because I’m learning. So is there any guidance you can give to me on that …

AA Uriel: Dear! You ARE a teacher! You may deny that now, with your feelings that you are still learning, but we’re all continually learning. That is the point of this existence. So, indeed, you are a teacher, and you are being moved to express, perhaps slowly at first, what it is that you know that would be helpful to your loved ones. And they are being prompted by their spirit to ask the questions in the first place. And they are coming to you in recognition that you have the answers that will be helpful to them.

So, indeed, you ARE a teacher. You will know what to say, how far to go with each conversation, without consciously thinking about it.

Teammate 2: That’s my concern, right?

AA Uriel: You know what to do. Again, we come back to trust. Trust yourself … for the master that you are.

Teammate 2: Thank you.

AA Uriel: You’re very welcome, all of you. Thank you so much for all you do. With that, I will go now. Farewell.