Rob: Thank you, Gabrielle, for joining me. I don’t have anything, in particular, to ask about, to talk about. So I open it to you, whatever you would like, whatever it is that you think I need to hear … or that we need to hear.

I’m being prompted to sit up straight, to allow the energy to flow better …

AA Gabrielle: Thank you, Rob, for the invitation. Yes, this is Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Messenger of the One. I come today to remind you that you, too, are the One. So, I am the Messenger of You — you, too; all of you.

This is, indeed, a time of inward reflection, inward attention, to go within more often. Your teammate is a fabulous student. She is teaching you so much about how to live a life filled with spirit, to take the time out throughout your busy day to connect with any of us. You are learning imagery. You are learning feelings, for at the end of the day, it’s really the feelings that matter.

This is how you connect — the imagery, the sounds, it’s all a method to get you to feel something, to feel the messages as they are coming from the One. We have often said this is what it means to be human. Your emotional bodies are such a gift. This is your gateway inward. It’s why it is centered on your heart and why feelings are associated with your heart — yes, that point of balance.

And you know throughout your day, every day, that we are near. We cannot be otherwise. We are part of you; you are part of us. We are one, so it’s true; there is no separation. You are seeing every day, multiple times a day, those times on the clock: 11:11, 1:11, 1:14, 4:41, whatever it is. You recognize them. You know what those messages are; they are reminders that we are still here. We are never not there.

I would encourage you, though, that when you see them that you take that opportunity to breathe. Breathe the love, upward, inward, outward. Be that expression of love to the world, to whatever it is that you are witnessing. Take that moment to connect with us.

Yes, it is happening more and more often. It is just a means to help you train yourself to stay in that point of connection and, ultimately, the full understanding of what it means to be in Unity Consciousness, with all in the Company of Heaven. For Heaven is not elsewhere; it is here, it is now. You are in it at ALL times. All of your learning is simply to remind you of that.

And I would be remiss if I did not bring in the feeling of joy. It is, after all, what I am all about. So when you connect, you will feel that sense of joy … and yes, that sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be here, now, at this time, at this place, wherever you are. It is all meant for your benefit, for your fun! So take those opportunities to feel the joy found in the gratitude of all that you have — your life, your family, and your dear friends. There’s so much to be grateful for.

So with that, we’ll see if any of your teammates have any questions for me.

Teammate: Hi, Archangel Gabby. I have a question. So as you were talking about us connecting in, and it came to my awareness that I’ve caught myself when I start talking to one of you, and then it’s almost like, “Wait a minute! What am I doing? Am I really talking to them?” Because I feel the feeling that I feel now with your energy, being connected in my heart. I feel it, and then I’ll just be doing something random, and I was wondering if you can give me more clarity on what that was or what I’m evolving in these practices.

Gabrielle: At those times, of course you are speaking to us. As I said at the beginning you are always connected. It is your mental mind, as you call it, that convinces you that that is not happening. But it is! It’s always there. So the fact that you are now recognizing that you can have this conversation, all day, every day, at all times, there is no difference. I would suggest to you that at those moments when you recognize what is happening, don’t stop it. Allow it to continue. Why wouldn’t you? We love having the conversation with you. But understand, we are having that conversation with you all the time anyway, whether you consciously acknowledge it or not. Does that answer your question?

Teammate: It does, and so thank you. Distinguishing in those moments, I feel the buzzing, like I feel it now. And then, I remember kicking it out to my mental mind and that feeling stops. That’s when I’ve kicked it out, even though you’re already there. Is that what you’re saying?

Gabrielle: That’s exactly correct.

Teammate: And that’s the difference between awareness and not.

Gabrielle: That is correct. Again, it’s all about learning to feel the messages. That energy, that buzzing that you feel, is an indicator within your physical body. The feeling of that is an indicator that that connection is there. It’s your mind, your mental mind, that is shutting it off … actually, not shutting it off. It’s pushing it out of your awareness.

Teammate: That’s it. Thank you.

Gabrielle: You’re most welcome. With that, I will let you all go. Go with our deepest love, knowing that we are always with you. Farewell.