Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: All right, I get a sense of [Sanat Kumara/Raj] coming from my right side. He’s really bright. He’s, like, glowing! It always seems odd to me, but I never really see facial features … ever! Okay, Raj, thank you for joining me … actually, for joining...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: I’m seeing James, walking me to the Rainbow Bridge, which in my landscape is a little bridge over a little creek, running down to the water. Huh … we’re stopping on the bridge. I guess we’re gonna have a conversation right here. St James:...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: I’m seeing myself in my temple space, and I’m feeling the need to have a conversation with Wakana’taka … not sure why. He’s just a really big guy! … But he’s very quiet. Okay, Wakana’taka, thank you for joining me. Do you have anything to...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: My question is why I don’t feel a particular connection with Mother-Father-One. I feel more of it with the Archangels and my guides than I do with rhe Mother of Father. Why is that? AA Gabrielle: Greetings again, all. It is always such a pleasure to be here in...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: I’m seeing Saint Germaine as much younger and wearing purple. And I have that vision of the pyramid on Atlantis, the Temple of the Violet Flame. We’re going to just sit here on the top step of the temple. Okay, St Germaine, you’ve heard the question...