Yeshua on Finding Guidance Within

Yeshua on Finding Guidance Within

[As we approach the start of our course, Yeshua and the Magdalena, I naturally have questions about how the interaction with them will happen.  But, of course, they are always reassuring, and even enlightening about a few things I hadn’t considered before.  I don’t...
Yeshua: It’s time for a Change!

Yeshua: It’s time for a Change!

[Happy New Year, everyone!  By all indications, this will be a year to remember … and I’m excited for what we have coming up to kick it off! — Rob] As Jennifer Donaldson and I prepare for our upcoming class, Yeshua and the Magdalena, we’ve wondered how to present the...
Godspeed, Little Boy!

Godspeed, Little Boy!

This past week, my family had to make the heart-wrenching decision to say goodbye to our beloved family pet, Carlos.  Several weeks ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and a failing liver, and by this past week he had stopped eating — of course, he was losing weigh...