Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: I’m seeing Quan Yin, but not on the dragon. This is Quan Yin on the lotus blossom. So, Quan Yin, I just open myself to you, whatever you would like to share, whatever message you have for us today. Quan Yin: Good evening. It’s such a pleasure to be with...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: I think this is going to be the Magdalena. So, I’m sitting on the bench in my sacred landscape, overlooking the water. She’s admiring the view. So Mary, I’m not sure really what to talk about. I drew the card on Hope. [I’m] happy to talk about...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: So it’s been a long time since I’ve gone to this particular place, but on the roadway, the pathway that goes down to the bench, overlooking the water, if I walk up the roadway a bit, there is a small, round marble temple — I guess, like a gazebo, but...