Archangel Uriel on Our Role in the Divine Plan and a Card Deck Analogy
Rob: Archangel Uriel, I sense that you’re here. As you know, I am attempting to train myself to sense more of the spiritual realm while being in this physical body, to bring my awareness to the other side of the veil, as it were. I’m wondering why we can’t...
Archangel Gabrielle on Staying Connected Throughout the Day
Rob: Thank you, Gabrielle, for joining me. I don’t have anything, in particular, to ask about, to talk about. So I open it to you, whatever you would like, whatever it is that you think I need to hear … or that we need to hear. I’m being prompted to sit up...
When Love Meets Love …
In my channeling of Mother Mary on 26 April 2024, she said something that was so simple, yet so profound, that I have to share it. In response to one of my teammates request for more clarity on “divine neutrality,” this is what the Divine Mother had to say: “Mother...