My Insights and Channelings

Yeshua on Prudence and the “One Thing”

Yeshua on Prudence and the “One Thing”

Rob: I see myself sitting on top of the pyramid, at the top step, which is where I usually meet Yeshua these days. This is Yeshua.[Chuckles] If you guys saw the Batman movies, there's a line in that movie where the Joker says, “Why so serious?!” He just said that....

Archangel Jophiel on the Source of Physical Ailments

Archangel Jophiel on the Source of Physical Ailments

Rob: So I always see Jophiel off here to my right … not in any particular setting. So I'm playing with this idea of reading cards, three cards at a time. Is the card on Jophi Dust any indication that I should be using your Jophi Dust to help resolve any of these...

Archangel Mikael on Dealing with Mundane Tasks

Archangel Mikael on Dealing with Mundane Tasks

Rob: This is Mikael. I'm feeling him behind my left shoulder, as he usually is. It's kind of funny; Uriel always stands in front of me but Mikael's right there on my left. Gabrielle's here too. It started raining here, and I'm hearing her in the rain drops in the...

Archangel Uriel on Facing Challenges in the Physical World

Archangel Uriel on Facing Challenges in the Physical World

Rob: You know I wasn't thinking Uriel, but that’s who I see. He appears to me all dressed in white, with long straight white hair. He's standing in front of me. With this finger, he’s touching my forehead — my fourth eye, between my eyebrows — telling me to relax....

Yeshua: A Time for Going Within

Yeshua: A Time for Going Within

[I like how clear his explanation is, and I especially like the questions and answers with my teammates at the end. — Rob] Rob: Before we started here today, I was sitting down and talking to Yeshua, so I think that's we'll just continue that. I'm seeing the image...

Archangel Gi’Anna (Gaia) on Seeing Beauty in Everything

Archangel Gi’Anna (Gaia) on Seeing Beauty in Everything

Rob: Seems I'm going down into the center of the Earth where I've met Gi’Anna before [with] the Council Fire in the background. The way she appears to me, she looks like the Irish St. Brigit/Brigid. She has red hair and green eyes … Gi’Anna: Welcome, Rob. Welcome,...

Quan Yin on Compassion for Others

Quan Yin on Compassion for Others

Rob: Let's hear what the Chinese sweetheart has to say. Of course, I see Quan Yin riding in on her dragon, always making such an entrance! Quan Yin: Thank you, Rob, for giving me this opportunity. I don't say for inviting me in, because I was the one that knocked on...

Spirit Cafe Ah-ha Moment

Spirit Cafe Ah-ha Moment

Almost a year ago a team of Council of Love Teachers established the Spirit Cafe (a free, on-line Zoom discussion on the 2nd Saturday of every month).  In fact, this coming July will mark our one year anniversary.  All are welcome, and we would love for you to join...