My Insights and Channelings
Archangel Uriel on Facing Challenges in the Physical World
Rob: You know I wasn't thinking Uriel, but that’s who I see. He appears to me all dressed in white, with long straight white hair. He's standing in front of me. With this finger, he’s touching my forehead — my fourth eye, between my eyebrows — telling me to relax....
Archangel Mikael on Patience in Seeing Creations Come to Fruition
Rob: Getting Archangel Mikael. He's just coming up next to me, putting his arm around me, like, “Come on, let's have a chat.” So Mikael, you've heard our team conversation about this being a time of creation; you know what's on our mind. Is there anything you'd like...
Yeshua: A Time for Going Within
[I like how clear his explanation is, and I especially like the questions and answers with my teammates at the end. — Rob] Rob: Before we started here today, I was sitting down and talking to Yeshua, so I think that's we'll just continue that. I'm seeing the image...
Archangel Gi’Anna (Gaia) on Seeing Beauty in Everything
Rob: Seems I'm going down into the center of the Earth where I've met Gi’Anna before [with] the Council Fire in the background. The way she appears to me, she looks like the Irish St. Brigit/Brigid. She has red hair and green eyes … Gi’Anna: Welcome, Rob. Welcome,...
Quan Yin on Compassion for Others
Rob: Let's hear what the Chinese sweetheart has to say. Of course, I see Quan Yin riding in on her dragon, always making such an entrance! Quan Yin: Thank you, Rob, for giving me this opportunity. I don't say for inviting me in, because I was the one that knocked on...
Spirit Cafe Ah-ha Moment
Almost a year ago a team of Council of Love Teachers established the Spirit Cafe (a free, on-line Zoom discussion on the 2nd Saturday of every month). In fact, this coming July will mark our one year anniversary. All are welcome, and we would love for you to join...
Archangel Uriel on Our Role in the Divine Plan and a Card Deck Analogy
Rob: Archangel Uriel, I sense that you're here. As you know, I am attempting to train myself to sense more of the spiritual realm while being in this physical body, to bring my awareness to the other side of the veil, as it were. I’m wondering why we can't just tear...
Archangel Gabrielle on Staying Connected Throughout the Day
Rob: Thank you, Gabrielle, for joining me. I don't have anything, in particular, to ask about, to talk about. So I open it to you, whatever you would like, whatever it is that you think I need to hear … or that we need to hear. I’m being prompted to sit up straight,...
When Love Meets Love …
In my channeling of Mother Mary on 26 April 2024, she said something that was so simple, yet so profound, that I have to share it. In response to one of my teammates request for more clarity on “divine neutrality,” this is what the Divine Mother had to say: “Mother...
Archangel Mikael on Connectedness (and Clearing)
[Since my posting from Lao Tzu talked about the Balance between Hope and Connectedness, it makes sense to me to follow up with a message on each of those individually — the previous one on Hope, and this one on Connectedness (from Archangel Mikael). — Rob] Rob: I...
The Magdalena on Hope
[Since my last posting was Lao Tzu talking about the Balance between Hope and Connectedness, it makes sense to me to follow up with a message on each of those individually — this one on Hope (from Mary Magdalene). — Rob] Rob: I drew a card earlier on Hope from the...
Lao Tzu on the Balance Between Hope and Connectedness
Rob: Thank you, Lao Tzu, for joining me. I wonder if you can talk to me some more about the connection between Hope and Connectedness, anything that I can use to better explain this connection within the Infinity Keys? It's always been a weak area for me. Lao Tzu:...