My Insights and Channelings
Archangel Mikael on Remaining Anchored in Tumultuous Times
Rob: Looks like this is going to be Archangel Mikael. So Mikael, I guess that means you would like to have a chat. Do you have any guidance for us today, for me? What can I do for you today? AA Mikael: Thank you, Rob. Welcome all! I paused a bit at the beginning to...
Clearing Energy at Civil War Battlefields
Depositing Cintamani Stones at Antietam and Monocacy National Battlefields By Rob Loveland and Dana Limpert In early March, Dana contacted Rob to ask for assistance in fulfilling a mission she was given, specifically to help identify good sites in Maryland that needed...
Archangel Uriel on Helping Others Through Times of Turmoil
Rob: As I face forward, Uriel is standing in front of me. Uriel, thank you for joining me. I wonder if you could give me, give all of us, some guidance on how we can help others through these times of turmoil and chaos without getting sucked into the drama. He's...
Personal Guide Humphries on Finding One’s Passion
[Earlier in the day, prior to channeling, I was out and heard a ringing in my right ear. Normally, when I hear a ringing in my left ear, I know it’s Humfire (aka Humphries), so this was unusual. As always, it was all for a reason … — Rob] Rob: I just got an image of...
Buddha on the Law of Attachment and Detachment
[Any guidance from the Company of Heaven on the mechanics of creation is always welcome! — Rob] Rob: I invite in the Buddha to come talk, to offer any wisdom or guidance about the Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment, or anything else for that matter? I see the...
Divine Mother on Heart-Listening
Rob: So, Mother, I would like to talk a bit about the card I drew on heart listening. Do you have any particular guidance for me, something in there that I should be paying attention to? Mother Mary: Blessings to you, Rob; to you and your teammates. Yes, this is Mary,...
El Morya on the Wisdom of Remaining Calm in Times of Turmoil
Rob: I'm inviting in El Morya. It seems I keep drawing the Wisdom card. What is that about? El Morya: Good afternoon, Rob. It is a glorious day today. The weather is beautiful. Today is going to be a fun day; enjoy yourself with family. It is such a pleasure to be...
ArchAngel Uriel: Seeing Divine Radiance in the Sunlight
[I channeled this near the end of last year’s sailing season, but the message is so important for this time … well, any time, really! — Rob] Rob: I'm sitting on my boat, right where I was this afternoon, looking at the light on the water. Archangel Uriel comes to me...
Quan Yin on Feeling Compassion for Others
[This website experienced some technical difficulties recently, so I haven’t posted in a while. But this is a good one to restart. My teammates and I talked to Quan, and she met me by flying in on her dragon! Quite a site … and quite a rich conversation! — Rob]...
When We’re Open to Receiving Messages …
I find that I often receive inspirations when I least expect them, usually when I’m quietly minding my own business — it seems that’s when the Spirit world likes to announce themselves! That’s how I received the inspiration to create the Infinity Keys diagram (which...
Archangel Jophiel on Collective Creation
[My teammates and I have been discussing the desire — the calling even — to manifest creation projects this year. While we learned basic techniques in the past, we haven’t been diligent about applying what we know … but this is the year to right that ship! 😉 — Rob]...
Ashira of Neptune on Galactic Origins
[After reading many messages from our galactic brothers and sisters, from many different sources, I am convinced that I likely enjoy an Arcturian heritage — the way the messages resonate within me reveals a close and personal connection! I have also been told that I...