My Insights and Channelings
El Morya on the Wisdom of Remaining Calm in Times of Turmoil
Rob: I'm inviting in El Morya. It seems I keep drawing the Wisdom card. What is that about? El Morya: Good afternoon, Rob. It is a glorious day today. The weather is beautiful. Today is going to be a fun day; enjoy yourself with family. It is such a pleasure to be...
ArchAngel Uriel: Seeing Divine Radiance in the Sunlight
[I channeled this near the end of last year’s sailing season, but the message is so important for this time … well, any time, really! — Rob] Rob: I'm sitting on my boat, right where I was this afternoon, looking at the light on the water. Archangel Uriel comes to me...
Quan Yin on Feeling Compassion for Others
[This website experienced some technical difficulties recently, so I haven’t posted in a while. But this is a good one to restart. My teammates and I talked to Quan, and she met me by flying in on her dragon! Quite a site … and quite a rich conversation! — Rob]...
When We’re Open to Receiving Messages …
I find that I often receive inspirations when I least expect them, usually when I’m quietly minding my own business — it seems that’s when the Spirit world likes to announce themselves! That’s how I received the inspiration to create the Infinity Keys diagram (which...
Archangel Jophiel on Collective Creation
[My teammates and I have been discussing the desire — the calling even — to manifest creation projects this year. While we learned basic techniques in the past, we haven’t been diligent about applying what we know … but this is the year to right that ship! 😉 — Rob]...
Ashira of Neptune on Galactic Origins
[After reading many messages from our galactic brothers and sisters, from many different sources, I am convinced that I likely enjoy an Arcturian heritage — the way the messages resonate within me reveals a close and personal connection! I have also been told that I...
Archangel Gabrielle on Feeling and Projecting Love
[As I said at the beginning of this channeling, I normally have to select a particular Archangel / Master / Guide / etc. and invite them in, but this was different. Archangel Gabrielle presented herself to me! I guess that’s a sign of growth … 😉👏 — Rob] Rob: I just...
Archangel Uriel on Changing Relationships
[During these times of change, I have witnessed a number of long-term relationships shift and change, many for what seems like an ending. It saddens me a bit, so I asked Archangel Uriel about it. Of course, his response is nothing but positive! — Rob] Rob: I’m...
Archangel Gi’Anna (Gaia) on Beauty – Love – Joy
Rob: Thank you, Gi’anna (Gaia), for joining me. Do you have anything to say about beauty and how it might relate to the Infinity Keys diagram (i.e. the conjoining of the Keys to Heaven with the Keys to Self as an infinity symbol)? AA Gi’anna: Thank you, Rob, for...
Yeshua on Charity
[I am often amazed that we can have simple conversations with anyone in the Company of Heaven, whenever we want, about any question on our minds. This ability is available to all, but until you develop your own process, I hope you find my questions useful. — Rob] Rob:...
My Higher Self, Samuel, on Establishing Sacred Union with Yourself
[The image below is the closest to how my Higher Self, Samuel, appears to me, except his garments are white or cream, and his hair is completely white … and he doesn’t have pointy ears! 🤣 — Rob] Rob: I see myself walking on the pathway toward the home of my Higher...
Hope Webinar’s Prayer for Peace
[Thank you SO much to all for attending our webinar on yesterday (HOPE: A Conversation with the Archangels). It was a beautiful experience! We heard directly from Gabrielle, Uriel, and Michael, with a short encouragement from Jophiel. For those who missed it, we...