Archangel Mikael on Connectedness (and Clearing)

Archangel Mikael on Connectedness (and Clearing)

[Since my posting from Lao Tzu talked about the Balance between Hope and Connectedness, it makes sense to me to follow up with a message on each of those individually — the previous one on Hope, and this one on Connectedness (from Archangel Mikael).  — Rob] Rob: I...
The Magdalena on Hope

The Magdalena on Hope

[Since my last posting was Lao Tzu talking about the Balance between Hope and Connectedness, it makes sense to me to follow up with a message on each of those individually — this one on Hope (from Mary Magdalene).  — Rob] Rob: I drew a card earlier on Hope from the...
Lao Tzu on the Balance Between Hope and Connectedness

Lao Tzu on the Balance Between Hope and Connectedness

Rob: Thank you, Lao Tzu, for joining me. I wonder if you can talk to me some more about the connection between Hope and Connectedness, anything that I can use to better explain this connection within the Infinity Keys? It’s always been a weak area for me. Lao...
Sanat Kumara on Unity Consciousness (and Channeling)

Sanat Kumara on Unity Consciousness (and Channeling)

Rob: Now I have Sanat Kumara, so I guess that’s who this is gonna be. I’m going to sit on the bench. He’s coming in from my right. I feel like I should stand … So Sanat Kumara, to what do I owe this honor? I don’t have a particular question,...
Yeshua on Choosing Love

Yeshua on Choosing Love

Rob: I’m sitting in the middle of all my guides; they’re all around. But we’re going to have the conversation with Yeshua … So Yeshua, what would you like to share? Anything with the card on Choosing Love and how I’ve been feeling the energies,...