Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: So it’s been a long time since I’ve gone to this particular place, but on the roadway, the pathway that goes down to the bench, overlooking the water, if I walk up the roadway a bit, there is a small, round marble temple — I guess, like a gazebo, but...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: So as I stand in the center space of my temple with the Mighty Ones all around — Archangels Mikael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Gabrielle — I ask to experience what Unity Consciousness actually means. Intellectually, I get it. We are all one. I feel that I need to...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
[I channeled this a few days after the U.S. election. My teammates and I were discussing people’s reaction to it, and when it came my time to channel, St Germaine unexpectedly came through with this message of hope. He gives us a call-to-action to look beyond the...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
Rob: So I’m in my sacred landscape, and I’m going down to the water. And at the edge of the water is a tree with a big rock, a boulder, underneath it. Lao Tzu is there, sitting on the rock, waiting for me. So I’m taking a seat next to him in the...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
[I was feeling a bit discouraged about the low turn-out for one of my recent teaching events, so I channeled my Higher Self, Samuel, on how I could regain my passion for such offerings. — Rob] Rob: Okay, Samuel, perhaps you can talk to me a bit about what I’ve got to...
Channeling, Spiritual Guidance
[With all the news of such turmoil in the world, I just wanted to have some fun … and Quan Yin was more than happy to accommodate! — Rob] Rob: I don’t know who this is going to be. I don’t even know what it’s going to be about. All I know is I want...