Rob: So, Mother, I would like to talk a bit about the card I drew on heart listening. Do you have any particular guidance for me, something in there that I should be paying attention to?

Mother Mary: Blessings to you, Rob; to you and your teammates. Yes, this is Mary, Mare, the Blessed Mother, the Universal Mother. Thank you so much for inviting me today and for heeding my call.

I sent you that card today because, as you’ve guessed, it is time to expand your skill set. You know about and you’ve heard of heart listening for a very long time now, but truly getting into what that means, to relinquishing your sense of ego as you are engaging with others, is a whole new skill set. Well, as you jokingly said earlier, it’s not a new skill set — it’s a very, very, old skill. It’s simply a matter of relearning or acknowledging what you already know.

So the whole notion of heart listening is, in fact, as it says on the card, the act of receiving, but receiving with the totality of your being — not just listening to the words or witnessing body language, but receiving all that is being offered in the communication. So heart listening implies feeling, feeling what is being said, what is behind what is being said — the emotion, but more importantly, the energy. And holding your energy at a level of vibration that allows you to receive and, in fact, at the same time transmit your love to whomever you’re communicating.

So the act of heart listening requires, as you have all been talking about today, being fully present. This is the point of practice for you, and, as you have discussed, for all of you. So as you are communicating with another, whether face-to-face or not, keep part of your mind focused on your feelings and on the state of being present in the now — in that one moment, the eternal now. This opens the door for communication with us, with the Company of Heaven, to be present with you during your physical communication.

Yes, this takes practice, [as] it’s something you’re not used to. But we’re encouraging you now that it’s time to start developing this skill.

I presume this all makes sense to you? Although I’m aware you are questioning, “How does one do that?” It is simply a matter of staying in the moment. As you catch yourself allowing your mind to wander, perhaps based on something somebody else said or, as you said, [when you] start to formulate what you’re going to say in reply, stop! Recenter in your heart and just receive, just allow. Surrender yourself to the communication itself so that you are open to receive whatever the other is offering.

And if what they are offering is not to your liking, then remain in your heart. Do not react, but just send love. Beam that light and love to the other. Stay in your heart to receive from us to project outward. When the time comes to respond, again, pause a moment and ask for our help, for our guidance, to make sure that you are in complete alignment with the desires of Heaven. And in this way, you will be sure that you are, in fact, beaming the light of heaven to all others with whatever you express thereafter. I trust this helps.

Do any of you have any questions for me?

Teammate: I think I want to paraphrase my understanding, Mother. So when you’re talking with someone on any topic, the important part is to be truly present to that conversation, but not just the conversation but to the emotions of the body language, the whole, all aspects of the person’s communication, to glean what is really happening, so that you truly heart-understand what is being said and what is being felt by the other person, not just by their words. And then, from that understanding, keep a part of you where you can feel what’s happening … I mean, what I didn’t quite understand is that then how you are pulling in the Company of Heaven into this.

Mother Mary: You are largely correct, but before responding, allow yourself to connect, just to ask for that guidance on how to respond. This is done perhaps at the level of intuition. It only takes a moment, for you’re always connected. But allow that to then just flow through you.

And the other aspect that this ensures or helps to ensure is that you remain free of judgment. If whatever you’re discussing would cause some form of reaction, perhaps into the level of judgment, then taking that moment and connecting to us beforehand will help ensure that you not go there.

Teammate: Thank you, Mother.

Mother Mary: You are very welcome. This is an exciting time. It is a time of relearning, of reasserting yourself as the sovereign beings that you are, as members of the Company of Heaven. We are so excited for you and for the result! It’s all happening now.

Go with our love and our blessings. Farewell.