Rob: So I’m in my sacred landscape, and I’m going down to the water. And at the edge of the water is a tree with a big rock, a boulder, underneath it. Lao Tzu is there, sitting on the rock, waiting for me. So I’m taking a seat next to him in the shade of the tree.
So since I drew a card on humility, and because humility is one of the Blessings and Virtues, and in fact, I had chosen it as one of the Keys to Self, I probably would have said I know what I need to know about humility. But I acknowledge, also, there’s always more.
So do you have anything to share with me, something I don’t know, perhaps about myself and my own attitudes, my own beliefs, about humility?
Lao Tzu: Greetings, Rob. So nice of you to join me here [on] this pleasant day, enjoying the calm by the water’s edge. And the calm is important. It seems to be a theme — slow down, take time out to just enjoy the peace.
At the end of the day, that’s really what humans need to learn — how to go through this life, any life, in a state of peace and calm. It is fine to be excited about something new, learning something new, experiencing something new. That brings the joy.
But at the end of the day, the lasting contentment comes from the peace, leaving the turmoil behind, centering yourself and going within in order to find that place of calm, to find that place that really speaks to who you really are. For at the end of the day, nothing that happens out there — there in the physical world — can affect you unless you allow it.
And as soon as you accept that, firmly believe that, it stops affecting you; it stops disturbing your calm, your peace. It’s just something that’s happening. It’s all just happening for your entertainment and, yes, perhaps for you to learn something, to witness a scenario play out so that you may understand all sides, so that you can fully grasp the depth of whatever the situation is, whatever it is that you have to learn, that you have chosen to learn.
There is nothing you have to do in this life or any other. It is all based on the plan of what it is that you have set out to learn, set out to experience. So why would any of that disturb your peace? It only does if you allow it. But I am asking, why would you allow it?
Think of it as sitting in a classroom … as you’re sitting in the chair, waiting for the teacher to present their lecture, present the material, whatever form that is, do you feel anxious about that? Do you feel a lack of calm and peace while you’re sitting there absorbing what the teacher is offering? Most likely not. So why would you feel any different about your own experiences that you have chosen as a means to teach you? It’s no different.
The point is, to get to that state, one has to acknowledge at all times that you are divine, that you are a divine spirit who is simply choosing a set of experiences in order to learn or in order to just have fun as a source of entertainment. So none of this should be taken too seriously. The trick is, if I could call it a trick, is to keep in mind at all times [to] never forget who you are. If you are operating from that perspective, then all the rest of it, all of the turmoil in the world, just seems silly to allow that to disturb your own peace.
So the notion of humility is simply understanding, operating from the perspective, that God is your only source, for God is all that there is. You hear at times people refer to God as “All That Is,” and it is true … and you are part of that. You are part of the All, therefore you also are All That Is!
That’s not to be taken in any way as boastful. No, it is operating from a position of humility that you are nothing without the God Source within you. You would not be here without that. None of us would be.
And think of the majesty of ALL of what that means, the complexity involved, the magnificence involved, and yes, THOU ART THAT, that is living from a position of humility and respect for who you are.
I hope that has helped. Perhaps your teammate has some questions for us.
Teammate: That really makes so much sense, because we put ourselves — or I speak for myself, I guess, but probably for others — in such a tither about achieving a certain goal and recognizing that we are in partnership, in a sense, with God, that all is possible through God in our relationship with Him. So just relax and enjoy the journey. Stay in a sense of calm and peace, and oftentimes — again, speaking for myself, but I think generally — we’ll allow our peace to be usurped by things around us.
So this is very helpful. Thank you.
Lao Tzu: Indeed. And remember, I refer to life, as you’re experiencing it here, as a movie. So remember, you can change the script at any point that you want.
Teammate: I think where I get tied up sometimes, if you read and study the current literature on goal setting, for example, it’s always [to] set a date and a time by which you want to achieve something. And I find that that puts a lot of pressure on me, because I think I need to really put the pedal in the metal and work really, really hard to achieve that by that date. So I think in my case, it helps me not to have a date, but just to know that it’s going to happen, which is somewhat counterproductive to the current literature or guidance from the (quote) “experts” of our time. So do you have a comment or thought on that?
Lao Tzu: There are moments … there are situations, I should say, where the time factor is important for things to unfold according to the Divine Plan in a particular order, but at the same time, for the vast majority of the time, keep in mind that time is a construct within the Third Dimensional and Fourth Dimensional reality. From the higher perspective, 5D and above, there is no time. So putting too much emphasis on the time factor is thinking from a 3D-4D perspective.
So indeed you are correct. Let that go. Think from a higher perspective, and I think you will find that everything will unfold in a time that is perfect for you.
Teammate: Thank you. That helped a lot … really!
Lao Tzu: So with that, I suppose I will take my leave. As always, we are always here for you. I do so enjoy these visits. Farewell for now.