Rob: Thank you, Lao Tzu, for joining me. I wonder if you can talk to me some more about the connection between Hope and Connectedness, anything that I can use to better explain this connection within the Infinity Keys? It’s always been a weak area for me.

Lao Tzu: Thank you, Rob, for joining me today here in this beautiful setting, this serene setting. You got the card today on Hope; it’s a good theme for this time, this time within the ages of humanity. It should be a time of great hope.

So yes, as you describe it, it is the deep knowing that there is a Heaven, that you are part of it — that we are all part of it — living from the perspective that there is no way to be separated from that state. The card itself talks about being able to pierce through the illusions. That is so important these days. There’s so much that’s going to come to light that shows everyone just how much of an illusion exists within this physical reality.

So Hope is being able to stay centered in the midst of all of that. Archangel Michael often reminds you to stay centered in times of chaos, and as you learned the other day, chaos is really just the state of change. And the big change that everyone is going to have to wrap their heads around is just how much of an illusion so-called reality actually is. So Hope is living from the perspective of understanding the big picture of where you are headed and staying centered. And staying centered is really another term for remaining in balance.

As you know, Balance is the final step within the Keys to Self. It is the top of the loop comprising the self, immediately after Hope. Really holding on to that knowing of your role within Heaven brings you to the point of balance. Yes, balance is centered within your own heart, but it is also the top, the apex, the crown of the Self, coming to realize that the Middle Way is the path to Heaven. But at the same time, Balance is also the base of Heaven, the foundation on which all the other Keys to Heaven rest.

And the whole notion of Hope, why you have that knowing is because inside you know you are connected to everything else. There is nothing in the universe to which you are not connected. You are part and parcel of that same energy. This thought, this belief, this understanding is what brings that hope. It’s the mechanism that allows all of the revelations of heaven to happen. But it’s all based in a state of balance, again, the foundation of Heaven.

I trust that this has helped to some degree, at least to give you something else to think about, another aspect. As you are aware, there is so much within the Infinity Keys diagram that continues to unfold for you, and we encourage you to continue to seek additional revelations. There’s always more.

So with that, I’ll be quiet for a while and see if your teammate has any questions for me.

Teammate: It’s delightful to be speaking with you, dear Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu: It’s always my pleasure to be with you all.

Teammate: I wonder if the insight that I was just getting about turning the infinity loop to the horizontal would be useful, the idea of the balance of the scales that were used in ancient Egypt, where one evaluated one’s success, I suppose, in fulfilling one’s purpose on the Earth by whether one’s heart was as light as a feather. Is something like that useful or just distracting?

Lao Tzu: No, it’s a wonderful revelation. And I would encourage you as an individual for your own personal revelation about the nature of the diagram. Please bring forward whatever occurs to you. Rob originally drew the picture in the vertical position to make the point of the balance of As Above – So Below, but that’s not to say that that’s the only way to show balance. As you rightly point out, the scales of balance is another wonderful opportunity to show how such a diagram also supports that image.

Teammate: I find the topic of balance to be very rich.

Lao Tzu: It is indeed. And as Rob has noted in his book, balance is both from the perspective of the Self and of Heaven, so indeed, it is rich. There are many, many topics one could branch from there. With that, I will let you go. Take care.