Rob: So it’s been a long time since I’ve gone to this particular place, but on the roadway, the pathway that goes down to the bench, overlooking the water, if I walk up the roadway a bit, there is a small, round marble temple — I guess, like a gazebo, but made of marble, round — and in the middle of it is a font, like a baptismal font — just a big decorative standing bowl with water in it. This is the water of purity. It’s a symbol of purity — the Font of Purity. And I see my guide, Malia. She’s a golden-haired angel, with pearlescent white wings. So I’m stepping up into this temple, in front of the font.

Thank you, Malia, for joining me, helping me through this. I think I know why I’m here. It’s to reconnect to my own purity .. going back to the basics.

Malia: Welcome again. Rob. Yes, it is time again to reconnect, reconnect to who you are and the purity of who you are. This would be a valuable practice for any of you there, any of you in human form, to spend some time now and again to remind yourself who you are and why you are here, especially in these times of turmoil.

Whatever chaos seems to be raging around you, this is a place of peace. This is a place to reconnect with the original intent of purity behind who you are, why you’ve come here. And in this state, this is where you really come to understand that you are no different than anyone else. You are all the same.

And in that sameness, you are one. This is how you connect with the unity, to develop the unity consciousness.

You had also drawn the card today on the Universal Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Raj [Sanat Kumara] is reminding me, it is important to attract to yourself that which you desire, but from the perspective of the purity of your intention, of why it is that you want that, and how that will help you on your path, ultimately, to achieve unity with all, to understand the oneness of all.

Of course, repulsing, then also, any feelings of separation and division, for those are false notions. Those are false beliefs. Time to let those go.

So as we stand here in front of the font, I encourage you, since you have found in your own wisdom to construct this temple as a place, as a permanent place, to come periodically to drink of this water. Feel it course through you, and with that, spreading that sense of purity as a reminder of why you came in the first place, why you embarked on this adventure in human form.

It was meant to be fun. Humans make it so difficult [and] find so many reasons to deny who they are and why they are here. Take this as an opportunity to let all of that go.

As you drink the water, reconnect to your original intentions. Feel the calm, the peace, that results from partaking. Whenever you feel in any way disturbed by what you see around you, come here. Come to me. Visit me, and drink again of the purity and allow that to soothe your soul.

This is simply a visual reminder of what is happening at an energetic level, but it’s all the same. It’s here for you. I am here for you. In fact, all of this is here for all of you.

Many of you, your teammates included, may visit any time they choose, find that font of purity of their own making, of their own style, in their own place within themselves. At this point, perhaps one of your teammates have questions for me?

Teammate: Thank you. So can you clarify or just refresh for me what the Council means when they’re talking about purity?

Malia: It’s returning to the understanding, unadulterated by any feelings of division or separation, understanding who you are and the purity from whence you came as a spark of the divine, as an emanation of Source that cannot be impure. That is who you are! Reconnect with that knowing from whence you came and where you are going, as one, unified with Source, unified with the One.

This is the sense of purity — your original design, your original soul design, and why you came, what you came to express to all others through this life, through all your lives.

Does that make sense?

Teammate: Oh yes. Thank you so much.

Malia: You are very welcome. I wish you all peace as you go about your day. Perhaps remember me as you go.

Teammate: Thank you so much.

Malia: All my blessings. Farewell.