Almost a year ago a team of Council of Love Teachers established the Spirit Cafe (a free, on-line Zoom discussion on the 2nd Saturday of every month).  In fact, this coming July will mark our one year anniversary.  All are welcome, and we would love for you to join us.  Whether participants choose to actively engage in the discussion or to simply sit and listen, it’s a great place to join with and learn from others, no matter what one’s spiritual background.  You’d be surprised at how the wisdom reveals itself!

As a case in point, at our most recent Spirit Cafe discussion (on 11 May), I had an “ah-ha” moment, a revelation, about why seemingly negative thoughts and emotions arise when we’re on the spiritual path toward enlightenment.  You know, it was one of those moments of connecting the dots on well-known ideas to see them in a whole new light!

The gathered group was discussing why such thoughts and emotions arise and how they can lead to self-doubt and self-criticism, and can even become self-sabotaging.  Someone raised the point that this is why it is important when invoking the Universal Law of Attraction – Repulsion to pay particular attention to the second half of that Law, which is the act of Repulsion.  That is, it’s just as important to consciously declare what thoughts and emotions we don’t want when attracting what we do want.

That’s when I had my ah-ha moment.  Maybe the so-called “negative” thoughts/emotions, which often become self-sabotaging, arise BECAUSE we are ready to assume the role of being a co-creator, and these unwanted thoughts/emotions MUST come up to be released … and they must come up to put us in a state of being able to receive.  It’s these suppressed “negative” thoughts/emotions which are standing in the way of being able to receive the positive vibrations of what we are attempting to attract.

Yes, we want to attract something, so we consciously ask for it.  Fueled by our intention, the energy flows out from us in an infinity loop, attaches to what we want, and then returns that to us.  But if we are not ready and open to receive, the delivery is blocked.  In that sense, the thoughts/emotions stemming from our false beliefs about our worthiness indeed become self-sabotaging.

When such thoughts/emotions arise, it then becomes critically important to allow them to flow out — otherwise, we cannot release them — but they must flow without judgment or self-criticism.  And once we recognize what is happening, we can then repulse those thoughts/emotions with the specificity needed to effectively receive the gifts we’ve asked for.  

The lesson: The creation process is most effective when we repulse the very beliefs that are standing in the way of what we are desiring to attract!  Whoa!  How simple it is now to see the cause and effect at work.  How did I not see this before?!  🥴


This is just one example of the type of wisdom that is revealed when spiritually minded folk get together to just chat and share what we know.  We are so much smarter as a collective than we are individually.  And this is the beauty of Spirit Cafe.  Please consider joining us this next Saturday (8 June) at 11:00am. 

Rob (on behalf of Sue, Jennifer, Adrienne, Paul, and Roxanne)