I find that I often receive inspirations when I least expect them, usually when I’m quietly minding my own business — it seems that’s when the Spirit world likes to announce themselves!

That’s how I received the inspiration to create the Infinity Keys diagram (which will be the subject of the upcoming The Infinity Keys Webinar on 24 February), but most recently it happened when I was watching a video of one of my favorite Tarot Card readers.  She was doing a reading on Finding One’s Divine Purpose, and the card at the top of the layout caught my attention and I couldn’t let it go.  The image contained many elements which reminded me of both the Infinity Keys and ME!

In the tarot, it happens to be the Two of Pentacles, known as the Juggler.  It depicts a guy with a funny hat (which I often don to entertain my family); dancing, but not looking particularly happy about it (because I can’t dance!); several sailing ships navigating the ups and downs of life (because I’m a sailor!); and, most importantly, he’s holding multiple balls within an infinity symbol!  How perfect is that?!

Where the analogy doesn’t work, though, relates to the idea of wearing tights!  My wife got me to wear a Jolly Green Giant costume once for a Halloween party, and it was humiliating … but it certainly brought her a lot of joy, as she couldn’t stop laughing!  But that’s another story for another time … 🤦‍♂️

Back to the Tarot card, the Juggler is significant because it signifies that we’re all juggling the internal struggles of living between two worlds, experiencing the turmoil of day-to-day life while being pulled into the higher ascended energies of the Spirit realm.  This is the perfect metaphor for finding that point of balance between the mundane Self and Heaven itself.  This is the primary lesson of the Infinity Keys, that the pathway to Heaven is found with oneself, at that balance point of the heart.

There are many more lessons and insight from all the Infinity Keys, which we will learning together later this month during The Infinity Keys Webinar, February 24, 2024, 11:00am-1:00pm EST.  Won’t you consider joining us for some learning, sharing, and light-hearted fun.