[I like how clear his explanation is, and I especially like the questions and answers with my teammates at the end. — Rob]

Rob: Before we started here today, I was sitting down and talking to Yeshua, so I think that’s we’ll just continue that. I’m seeing the image that I use of Yeshua. I love that picture … such a great face.

So, Yeshua, as we sit here, overlooking the water from outside my temple, do you have any message for me today, for any of us today? Anything that would be useful?

Yeshua: Thank you, Rob. And thank you, all. We often say how much of a joy it is to join you in this circle, and it is truly.

I just wanted to talk to you a little bit about the guidance that you’ve been getting most recently. The whole notion that this is a time of going within, a time for you to focus not on the external world, events that are happening, but to focus on yourself. It really is a time of inward attention, for as you are learning — very well, I might add — the path to Heaven is found within, so there is where you should place your focus.

Go within every day, but at the same time, while that might sound on the surface like it’s an act of selfishness to be focused on oneself only, that could not be further from the truth. It seems paradoxical, but it’s true. You find EVERYTHING within yourself, so the focus must be there.

And at the same time, it might seem that it is a lonely journey, since it is centered on yourself, on yourself alone. But again, this could not be further from the truth. For as you venture inward, as you learn to connect from your heart, that really is where you discover the whole notion of unity consciousness, that you are, in fact, connected to all others.

And that is where you find us … all the time, waiting for your arrival. You are not alone. You can never be alone. And as you develop your ability to go within and to connect with us, you will learn how to connect with all others, including those in the physical realm. But that connection at that point becomes so much deeper, so much more meaningful than what you can do in physical form alone.

When the Mother was speaking through teammate, She mentioned “the veil,” and yes, that is a useful and valid metaphor for the curtain that exists between your physical self and your true self, in your heart. But at this point in the history of humanity, the only thing upholding that veil now is you, is your belief that it exists. Let it go!

Connect with us every day, all day, throughout your day. It need not even be a specific time of day that you take to go inward in meditation or in prayer. You can speak to us all day, throughout the day. Just start. With practice, you will learn how to discern when we are speaking back, for we always are. It is simply a matter of learning to listen to the messages, to quiet your mind, no matter what you are doing physically. No matter what activity you’re involved in, the conversation can ALWAYS happen in the background, for it always is.

I will let you think on this … although it doesn’t require a tremendous amount of thought. Again, just do it. Just start right here, right now.

With that, in our remaining minutes, we’ll see if your teammates have any questions for me.

Teammate 1: I do, Yeshi. I take time in the morning, my favorite think time in the morning, to light my candles and begin prayer or just meditation and whatever, and it seems like lately — or not just lately — I always, sort of, fall asleep, and I don’t even know I’m asleep. I think I’m in meditation, and next thing you know, I wake up. Am I in meditation or am I going to sleep? And if I am, can I hear you in this mode? I start with a question or a thought or whatever, and I wake up sometime later.

Yeshua: There’s actually very little difference between your sleep state and the meditative state. It is simply a matter of whether your conscious mind is connected at that point or not. The unconscious is always connected. So, going so deeply as to feel asleep where you are no longer consciously connected just means that you are going that much deeper.

Teammate 1: Thank you.

Yeshua: You can, though, train yourself to stay just a little bit connected to your conscious mind throughout that process — just ask.

Teammate 1: Normally, it’s during a meditation and there’s the beginning and I wake up soon as it’s over.

Yeshua: That does not mean you did not accomplish what you had intended to accomplish. But if you would like to remain conscious, give yourself that suggestion that you will remain so.

Teammate 1: Thank you so much.

Teammate 2: I’d like to paraphrase something, Yeshua. You’re saying that it’s maybe a little bit like a movie with subtitles, that as far as a simultaneous conversation or awareness of you and our team, our guides. At the same time as we’re living our life or watching TV or baking bread or sweeping the floor or even talking to someone else, there can be the subtitles, so to speak, that are coming from the inner conversation. So we can be inner and outer simultaneously. Is this right?

Yeshua: Exactly correct. And I like the way you’ve characterized it; [it] is to remain aware that we are always there. Regardless of what you’re doing in the physical world, you can remain aware that we are right there with you, offering guidance or just comfort, just companionship, if nothing else.

Teammate 2: So we as individuals walking through the world are actually a collective, to the degree that we’re conscious of that.

Yeshua: Yes, to a degree, that is correct.

Teammate 2: So we look like a person, but we’re actually carrying more energies than just the single energy.

Yeshua: You are all energies from the same source, therefore, you are all connected. You just think you are separated from all others.

Teammate 2: Like yolks of an egg …

Yeshua: I’m not sure how to interpret that.

Teammate 2: Well, when you get twin yolks, for example, and you’ve got the white, but they’re clearly individual. But really, it’s all one egg.

Yeshua: Exactly.

So with that, I will let you go to get on with your busy days. But remember, we are always here. We admonish you all the time that we are always here. But whatever you do next, look to the side; see us there. Go with our love. Farewell.