[I channeled this during the most recent class in our “Yeshua and the Magdalena” course, but I think the message is important for everyone to hear. — Rob]

Rob: I invite in Yeshua to talk to us all as a group today.

Yeshua: Greetings, all. Yes, this is Yeshua, your brother. It is quite fun for us to hear your discussions about what life was like so many years ago. It is always fun to hear the stories, to recount them and to remember, not that they are ever far from us.

But the point for today, for all of you, is that these aren’t distant stories from long ago. Your relationship with us is here and now. It is always there, if you simply allow yourself to tune in, to connect with us. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate.

Our hope for this course, with special thanks to Jen and Rob, is for you to understand, if you have not already gone down this path, [you can] develop that relationship with us. We can have a conversation anytime you choose. We are always here for you. It is in the development of that relationship where our hope really lies.

And I would ask you to think about “relationship,” what that means. It’s not just a relationship with us — we are always here to help — but it is also relationship with each other, with all that you see, whomever you come across, day-by-day. Think about what is your relationship.

And when you contemplate who you are, and the primary part of the relationship — and your consideration of that is really the relationship with yourself — is getting in touch with who you really are, understanding that at a deeper level.

And yes, we will be there to assist, to help you. It’s understanding that you are as divine as any of us. The Ascended Masters on this side, we’re no different than you, so it’s your relationship with Mother-Father-One, with the Divine. And once you start to get in touch with that, and really feel what that means, then you start viewing the world differently. Your relationship with all others, with each other, starts to take on a whole new meaning.

You are all the same. They, “other,” are just as divine as you. How will you treat them, then? How will you consider them, whether they are engaging in any activity that you would choose to engage in yourself or not? Does it matter? View it from the perspective of the Divine.

Now, once there, how does that appear to you? Can you feel that compassion in your heart for ALL things, for all parts of creation — for human, for nature, your environment.  It doesn’t matter. It all comes from the same source.

This was the nature of our teaching, me in the Magdalena. It was our teaching then, and is our teaching now. The difference is, today, you are so much more open to this possibility. Many of you here [today] have already explored much of the depths of this question, of this idea, of this belief, so you know of what I speak.

Once you connect with the divine, then you understand the love that is behind all of that, for there is nothing else but love. The whole universe was created from Love, the expression of love from Mother-Father-One, and you are part and parcel of that. And in that sense, your relationship with EVERYTHING is sacred.

Think about your Sacred Union with all. Feel it. Understand it. And there are no mistakes. This is the message that we would like to express today and every day.

You can connect with us through your heart at any point. Just feel our presence for we are there always. Just as I am talking to you today, each of you, all of you, can have the same conversation any time you choose. And in those moments, we are, in fact, joining together in Sacred Union to have that conversation.

I would encourage you all to seek that time during your busy days to connect together, with us or with any whom you choose.

I think this is enough for today. I thank you so much, all of you for being here, for joining together. With our deepest love, I bid you farewell for now.