My Insights and Channelings
Archangel Mikael on Being a Light Warrior
[This is a rather long conversation, but, as usual, Archangel Mikael has so much wisdom and guidance to share. And, he may have been talking to (and through) me, his message is for us all. — Rob] Rob: As always, Mikael is standing behind me, on my left, with his right...
Sanat Kumara on Dealing With Times of Uncertainty
[It seemed an appropriate question to ask since we are certainly dealing with uncertain times … and Sanat Kumara is always very helpful! — Rob] Rob: I’m thinking this is Sanat Kumara. So I’m going to meet him on top of my sacred temple. His face is so bright! [I...
Lao Tzu on Humility
[This one was a specific question to Lao Tzu about Humility — I figured who better to ask? … And he did not disappoint! Hope you find his message helpful. — Rob] Rob: Let’s see if we can bring in the old man (Lao Tzu). He’s just cool. And by cool, I mean very calm....
Mother Mary on Reconnecting When Feeling Disconnected
[This seems like the week for talking to the Marys! 😉 This one is a prime example of asking for help and receiving it … if only we listen for whom will provide that help, we would find that assistance is never far away … and often from the most incredible sources! —...
Mary Magdalene on Discipline to Achieve Commitment
[This is another example of asking one of the Masters for advice regarding a particular spiritual topic that arises … and they never disappoint! 😉 — Rob] Rob: I’m envisioning myself at the entrance to the cave where Mary Magdalene retreated after the death of Yeshua,...
Sanat Kumara on Being Anchored in Your Heart
[I was questioning how one lives from a place of being permanently “in one’s heart”? How does one do that? As usual, the answer seems obvious once it was said out loud. — Rob] Rob: Welcome, Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara: Thank you, Rob. Yes, this is Sanat Kumara, and I...
Lao Tzu on How to Support Others While Staying True to Self
[This question came up when I was having a conversation with friends, so I thought I’d ask the experts … — Rob] Rob: I’m feeling Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu: Thank you, Rob, for inviting me. It’s always such a pleasure to talk to you. It’s such a beautiful spot where we meet on...
Yeshua on How to Handle Conflict
[There was a period not too long ago when conflict just seemed to arise out of nowhere, but Yeshua helped me through it. Hopefully, his message will help you at such times as well. — Rob] Rob: I’m inviting in Yeshua. If anybody knows anything about conflict, he...
Archangel Uriel on Charity and Putting Oneself Out There
[One of the themes that I’m seeing more and more now is the idea that it’s time for all of us to come out of our shell and start to shine our lights brightly … i.e. to be more charitable with what we know. — Rob] Rob: I’m getting the impression it’s either Archangel...
El Morya on Wisdom and Having Fun
[I wasn’t sure who was going to show up for this, but I had just drawn a Council of Love Sacred Inspiration Card on Wisdom, so it seemed El Morya really wanted to talk about it! 😉 — Rob] Rob: I guess it is going to be El Morya … El Morya: Thank you, Rob, for inviting...
Quan Yin on Love Being an Expression of Joy
When preparing for the session, I pulled one of the Council of Love Sacred Inspiration cards — it was Archangel Gabrielle’s card on Joy … but it was Quan Yin who showed up to talk about it! 😉— Rob] Rob: So, Quan Yin, to what do I owe this honor? Quan Yin: I’m coming...
Archangel Uriel on This Time of Joy
[It seems the entire Company of Heaven wants us to understand that this is really a time of Hope … if we would only focus on the Joy! 😄 — Rob] Uriel: Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for allowing me to join your group. This is a time of celebration, of Joy!...