My Insights and Channelings

Archangel Jophiel on being a Guardian and Champion of Truth

Archangel Jophiel on being a Guardian and Champion of Truth

[I channeled this while preparing for our recent webinar on Living Truth. It contains a message for all Lightworkers. — Rob] Archangel Jophiel: I am Jophiel, the bringer of the future. There is so much angst in the world right now about what the future will bring. So...

We are One! … but what does that mean?!

We are One! … but what does that mean?!

The Law of Unification/Unity speaks to achieving Unity Consciousness, because we have all heard that “We are One!” But, what does that mean?!  How can I be one with, i.e. the same as, someone who is engaged in acts which I find reprehensible … or everyday objects like...

Universal Mother Mary on What Lightworkers Should Be Doing

Universal Mother Mary on What Lightworkers Should Be Doing

[This is from July, but it’s still relevant … especially given the seeming craziness of world events.  — Rob] Rob: I invite in Universal Mother Mary. I feel she has something to say today. Mary, won’t you join me? UMM: Hello, Rob. Instead of sitting on the bench, why...

Conversations with the Company of Heaven – Part 8

Conversations with the Company of Heaven – Part 8

Archangel Uriel (Lemuria and the Coming Changes) [I am just learning to channel. As part of my learning practice, I chose to have conversations with particular members of the Company of Heaven. What follows are excerpts from these conversations with the portions which...

Saint Germaine on Use of the Violet Flame

Saint Germaine on Use of the Violet Flame

Rob: Now that I mentioned the Violet Flame Initiation on Atlantis, that's now where I see myself [atop a pyramid outside a temple]. St Germain comes out, sits next to me. So this seems unexpected. Do you have anything to share about the Violet Flame or any other...

El Morya on the Wisdom of Just BEing

El Morya on the Wisdom of Just BEing

[I spend a fair amount of time contemplating what I should be doing to further my understanding of my mission, but El Morya shed a different light on that notion! — Rob] Rob: I invite in El Morya. I pulled the card today on Wisdom. Perhaps you have something to tell...

Transitioning to Nova Gaians with Sanat Kumara

Transitioning to Nova Gaians with Sanat Kumara

[ I channeled this in July 2022, but it seems pertinent and useful for the events of today.  – Rob ] Rob: I invite Sanat Kumara to join me in my special place, to sit with me to just talk. Raj, thank you for joining me. I know you’re rather busy. I don’t have anything...

Conversations with the Company of Heaven – Part 7

Conversations with the Company of Heaven – Part 7

Archangel Mikael (Truth) [I am just learning to channel. As part of my learning practice, I chose to have conversations with particular members of the Company of Heaven. What follows are excerpts from these conversations with the portions which pertain only to...

Archangel Gabrielle: More on Joy

Archangel Gabrielle: More on Joy

[It seems the Company of Heaven is stressing the importance of focusing on Joy in these times. It certainly beats the alternative! 😉 — Rob] Rob: Gabrielle, thank you for sending the card of Joy again.  It was a good reminder for me. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed —...

Archangel Gabrielle on the Need to Focus on Joy

Archangel Gabrielle on the Need to Focus on Joy

[Recently, after having a particularly trying day, the next day I drew several Sacred Inspiration cards to see who in the Council of Love might have a message for me — the two cards I drew back-to-back were from Archangel Gabrielle, one on Joy and one on the Keys to...

Finding Spirit on my Bucket List

Finding Spirit on my Bucket List

For my 60th birthday, my family gifted me a week-long trip to the mountains of Colorado, including several days in the town of my namesake, Loveland.  This is something I’ve talked about for years, so it truly was a “bucket list” trip of a lifetime.  It was such a...

Conversations with the Company of Heaven – Part 6

Conversations with the Company of Heaven – Part 6

Lao Tzu, Confucius, and Quan Yin (Humility, Purity, Compassion) [I am just learning to channel. As part of my learning practice, I chose to have conversations with particular members of the Company of Heaven. What follows are excerpts from these conversations with the...